Monday, July 23, 2012

VLOG: Video Week for Random Magic by Sasha Soren

This week I am participating in a really fun and epic event with author Sasha Soren for her book Random Magic. I have read this already and reviewed it previously on the blog, but this time it is a video review of sorts and my very first vlog ever. Let me know what you think.

My very first VLOG! Let me know what you think.

Video Week: Random Magic
July 21-30, 2012
About: You are cordially invited to join us for an entertaining week

of cool reviews and creative features from vloggers around the world. 

The book: Random Magic, by Sasha Soren
Print | Kindle | Twitter | YouTube

Plus: Win some cool stuff! Browse prizes


There are 10 vloggers on this tour. There are several secret tidbits about Random Magic stashed in their videos.

Just watch the tour vlogs to collect each secret. You don't have to collect every secret, but the more you collect,  the better your chances of winning. Leave comments for the vloggers and use THIS LINK to enter the Rafflecopter. That easy.
(My personal faves are the copy of Random Magic 
and the copy of Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy)


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