Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (7)

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews!

Here is what I received this week in the mail.

For Review:
God Save The Queen by Kate Locke via Hachette Book Group – very excited for this title, but no idea if I won this somewhere or if they just saw it on my wishlist. Either way, thank you HBG! Oh also, this book is a hardcover book without a dust jacket - it's a cute little book - just bigger than a paperback yet smaller than a traditional hardcover. LOVE IT!

Thank you so much, this book has been on my wishlist for a little while now. So excited to read it!

My pre-order of This Is Not A Testby Courtney Summers came in on Friday. I'm super excited to read this one. Will be getting to it in July for the Canadian Reading Challenge.

Random Magic by Sasha Soren (signed copy) – this was a gift as I am participating in a vlog blog tour for Random Magic. I had already reviewed the book a while ago and used my copy as a giveaway copy when I was unable to order one via Amazon, so Sasha graciously sent me a replacement copy so that I can use it in my vlog. Thank you Sasha!

FRENZY magazine from HCCFrenzy – after reading some great reviews about a recent HCCFrenzy event that some of my favourite Canadian bloggers attended, I learned that I could request my very own copy of this new magazine and I jumped at the chance to get my own copy. Harper Collins Canada also sent along a cute postcard and some Divergent Faction temporary tattoos. Thank you HCCFrenzy!

Sasha keeping my books safe
Celebratori by Tori Spelling – this one is about party planning and looks great (hoping to get some great ideas for wedding decor).

Happy Accidents by Jane Lynch – this is a memoir written by Jane and I couldn't resist reading about the lady who plays the craziest character on GLEE! (Yes I have a thing for Glee, it's my guilty pleasure).

Anne of Green Gables by LMMontgomery (audiobook) – I borrowed this one from the library to help me participate in the Canadian Reading Challenge. And sadly, most of you will freak when you hear that I have never read Anne of Green Gables, EVER. I know – I'm a Canadian, so I should have read this at some point right? Well I just never got around to doing it, until now. Wish me luck.

So what books did you add to your shelves this week?


  1. God Save The Queen was awesome. I loved it. It's one of my favorite books of the year. Old follower.


    1. That's good to know because it looks pretty awesome. I can't wait to get to it actually. :)

  2. Nice!! You got some AMAZING titles! I want to get the Tori Spelling one too!

    1. Thanks Ais! :) I kinda love Tori Spelling just a little and couldn't resist this one when I walked by it in the library the other day. :)

  3. I love the Frenzy Magazines, they're awesome! :) Cute cat by the way :P Enoy your books!

    My Stacking the Shelves

    1. I had not heard of the Frenzy magazines before. I really enjoyed it. :) Thanks for the comment about my cat - we actually have two cute furballs, but only Sasha would stay still. LOL

  4. Nice haul! Omg I can't wait to read This Is Not A Test. It sounds awesome and I've been waiting for it for so long :D Hope you enjoy!

    - Kim
    My Haul

  5. This Is Not A Test looks great! I hope you like it!

    My STS

  6. I think I'm the only person on this plant who has read This Is Not A Test and not loved it. I may have to give it a reread and see what I missed? Because I really don't know why I just didn't love it. I hope that you do end up loving it!!

    Great haul! =) Happy reading!

    -Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life

    1. Really? What didn't you like about it? I've been reading rave reviews everywhere and am hoping to read it this week after I finish a few review books.

  7. Ooh This is NOt A Test is SO GOOD! I really want to order a pretty finished copy for myself! Great haul, Chrystal!!

    1. I am really looking forward to it and am hoping to read it in a week or so after I finish a few review books. :)


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