Friday, June 22, 2012

Blood Jewel Blitz - excerpt and guest post!

Blood Jewel is the second novel in the Vampire Agape Series by Georgia Cates. The first novel in the series is called Blood of Anteros. I will be reviewing both in the near future.

About Blood Jewel:
With the mystery of Chansey Leclaire and Curry Brennan’s connection solved, they are free to explore their newfound love for one another. Or so they thought...

When Marsala uses a witch and black magic to discover Curry’s whereabouts, he and Chansey are left with no choice. The newly engaged couple is forced to relocate away from their families at the new compound in Savannah, which causes some major changes in the plans for their upcoming wedding.

Relocating to Savannah might have saved Curry and Chansey from being discovered by Marsala, but it doesn’t stop her attempts to reach Curry or her efforts to harm Chansey through the use of black magic. As Marsala closes in, Curry faces the decision he never wanted to make. Will he keep Chansey human or condemn her to eternity as the thing he hates most?

As Curry waits for his hand to be forced, a newly turned vampire arrives at the Savannah compound in need of help. Not only is she a fledgeling in transition, she brings reports of escaping from a vampire cult still in possession of her sister, a human. Any attempt to save the captive human from a cult of vampires puts everyone in jeopardy. Can they risk entering a large cult to save one human being? And is so, how could they possibly do it successfully?

Love will grow. New mysteries will arise. A battle will ensue. A Blood Jewel will be found.
Top 6 Words to describe Blood Jewel and why:

Blood Jewel is about the love affair between a vampire and his destined mate, Chansey, which is mostly human. The story is Curry’s, so it is written from a male vampire’s POV. In your tradition vampire/human romance, you read the story from the female character’s POV and the reader completely misses the emotions felt by the male vampire. Blood of Anteros and Blood Jewel both take the reader into the mind of the lead male’s vampire character.

Back to the male gosh, who wouldn’t want to hear the romantic thoughts of the man in your life? Curry’s love for Chansey is so sweet and tender, but that in no way makes him a sap. He is an alpha male so we see his possessive, protective side as well. (Sigh)

What can I say? This couple is hot and their chemistry is on FIRE! Someone get an extinguisher. In Blood of Anteros, we saw Chansey pushing Curry for an intimate relationship and he shows a lot of restraint, but his desire for Chansey becomes uninhibited in Blood Jewel. No more holding back. That’s all I’m saying about that. (Fanning myself)

The details and outcome of Curry and Chansey’s romantic adventure and love affair is fulfilling for the reader, while leaving room for potential future drama. In other words, you will get that ending we all know you want for them.

Blood Jewel is a fresh twist on the vampire world. Let’s face it...vampires have been done well and not so well, but I approached Blood Jewel with emphasis on the Agápe. To me, it is more about the Agape than it is about vampires.

Love never comes easy for a vampire and his Agápe and it never will. Their relationship will always include danger and struggle, although they were chosen for one another by the god, Anteros. What kind of story would we have it Love ever came easily?

And now for a really fun excerpt from Blood Jewel by Georgia Cates...


Many exciting changes had occurred over the past couple of days. Although Chansey accepted my marriage proposal, she still didn’t know a lot about the world of vampires and there was much she needed to learn. “Do you think you would feel comfortable joining the others for dinner tonight? If you are going to live in a house of vampires you will need to become accustomed to the sight of blood drinking.”
She swallowed hard. “Where do they get the blood?”
“There is a community of humans called Black Swans that know about us and support our cause. Some of the Black Swans choose to become Blood Swans, which means they freely give of their blood supply for our sustenance.”
She looked thoughtful and asked, “Do you bite the Blood Swans?”
“I’m sure there are Blood Swans that would like to be bitten, but we do not drink directly from them. There are humans that allow themselves to be bitten, but we discourage it because it is too easy to lose control. There are groups of humans called Seekers that desire the company of vampires and wish to be turned. Seekers willingly allow vampires to bite them as a way of being introduced into the community. Then, there are also Blood Dolls. They enjoy and are addicted to the act of being bitten because of the umm...ecstasy they receive from it. They refer to the pleasure of the bite as The Kiss.”
“Have you ever bitten a Blood Doll?”
My answer was not going to please her. “We have all had a Blood Doll at some point in our existence, but it was a very long time ago.”
The angry versus jealous expression on her face told me she didn’t appreciate my honest answer. “How many have you had?”
I looked to the ground for help, but found none. “Only one.”
“What was her name?”she asked, jealously.
“Her name was Luciana and our relationship meant nothing. It can’t really even be considered a relationship. I drank from her. There was nothing romantic between us because it isn’t like that for vampires. The only thing we feel romantic about is the blood we crave. And our Agápes,” I explained.
Her hands went to her hips. Uh oh. Not a great sign for me. “Did your relationship with her last a long time?”
I was probably about to shoot myself in the foot or cause her to shoot me. “Depends on what you consider a long time.”
She was becoming aggravated with my vague answers and slightly raised her voice as she interrogated further. “Please, answer the question that you are avoiding. How long was Luciana your Blood Doll?”
“A little more than two years,” I admitted. Although two years was nothing for a vampire, it was rather significant in the life of a human and I knew by the look on her face that my answer didn’t sit well with her.
She became silenced by my unintentional hurtful admission. Now, she looked at the ground in search of the right words. The silence surrounding us emphasized the beat of her rapid heart before she finally continued, “What ended your relationship with Luciana?”
“She thought she loved me. I failed to convince her that it was the result of The Kiss she loved, so I ended all contact with her.”
Chansey took a deep breath. “What happened to her?” she asked.
“She found another vampire to feed on her and he eventually turned her.”
This hole I was digging was getting deeper with each question I answered. Chansey took the stance I had unfortunately become quite familiar with when she shifted her weight over to one leg. “Incredible! There’s a second vampire out there somewhere that’s convinced she’s in love with you? You are quite the lady’s man, aren’t you?”
“Luciana is a vampire, but she is not in love with me. She’s a vampire in love with the blood she drinks,” I clarified.
“Vampires have romantic relationships with other vampires, so how do you know she isn’t still in love with you?”
“She just isn’t,” I argued.
I reached for her arm and she stepped out of my reach. “But, how do you know, Curry?” she insisted.
“I’ve seen her since she was turned and she isn’t interested. Nor am I. I was never interested in her for any reason other than using her for blood when she was human.”
I cheated and used my vampire speed to catch her before she could pull away from me again. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head as I pleaded, “You are the only one I have ever loved in my human life or in my years as a vampire. The only one. Ever.”
She finally returned my embrace and said, “I’m sorry. I know I must look like a jealous fool.”
I certainly couldn't fault her for feelings she couldn’t control. “I understand because I have experienced some jealousy issues when it comes to your admirers.”
“I don’t have admirers,” she argued.
“It certainly looks like it to me, but why don’t we just call all of it water under the bridge?” I suggested.
“I think I can agree to that and my answer is ‘yes’ to your earlier question. I would love to join you and your family for dinner tonight. Make mine AB negative,” she laughed.
“My, Miss Leclaire. You have a choosy palate. AB negative is the sweetest and most difficult to come by.”
“It’s good to know I’m sweet and in high demand,” she said as she walked her fingers up my chest.
“Your blood type is AB negative?”
“All day and all night long,” she laughed.
I wouldn’t have guessed that from when I tasted her, but I only had a few drops. Maybe it was the Agápe bond throwing it off or maybe I just didn’t have enough to be able to tell. “Chansey, don’t tell anyone that. Always keep that to yourself.”

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