Thursday, June 14, 2012

Deserted Island with Author Angeline Kace

Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams  of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five  other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a  deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some  are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see  what your favourite authors and bloggers would pick. Click here if you would like to participate.

Angeline Kace is the author of Descended By Blood (which is coming up shortly in my TBR pile and I cannot wait to read it) and Enemy Within (coming out in August 2012). Angeline is a book junkie and a twitter stalker. You can find her around the internet at the following places: Website/Blog | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook

Now for Angeline's picks:

The 5 items I’d take with me to a deserted island would be:
1) A steel knife.
2) Flint, so I could start a fire. See how I did that? I got my steel for the flint in item number 1. #Smooth
3) A compass
4) Rope
5) A jacket because I don’t know what the climate on the island will be like, so it could serve for warmth or shade.

The 5 books I’d take to a deserted island:

1) SAS Survival Handbook, RevisedEdition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation. This book will tell me how to survival basically anywhere. Plus, it has cool pics for medicinal plants and such. #BrillantItem
2) A dictionary/thesaurus combo. I think keeping a sharp association with words would keep me feeling human. Plus, you know I’m gonna survive because I have the SAS guide, and as soon as I get back to society, I’d start writing again and I’d need the vocab intact, yo!
3) Some of you might hate me for this, but I’d have to go with Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. The Twilight series was really what inspired me to read and start writing. And what I loved most about the series is that when you read it, you’re transported into that world. What better way to pass time, or boredom, or fear than being swept away in a book?
4) The bible. I’m not a religious person, but I do think I’m a spiritual person, and I’d sure have something to tell me I’m not alone. Plus, the bible has TONS of drama in it, people!
5) A book on Astrology and Astronomy. I love the stars and I’m certain I’d spend countless hours on an island staring up at them. I’d like to be able to study them and how they relate to me.

Thank you for participating in Deserted Island today Angeline!


  1. A very wise choice of items and books!

  2. Thanks so much for having me, Chrystal! I love this feature and had a ton of fun putting together my items! :)


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