Sunday, April 15, 2012

IMM (82) & My Reading Pile (9)

IMM (In My Mailbox) is hosted by the amazing Kristi - The Story Siren!

I haven't been home since Wednesday - so I am wondering what my mailbox is really looking like right now.
For those who didn't know - I went in for surgery Thursday morning and have been at my mother in law's recovering nicely. I've still been writing up posts here and there, but I've been mostly napping all day. :)


  Thank you Houghton Mifflin Harcourt!

What's in your mailbox?

My Reading Pile is a feature over at fiktshun. This is where I will post my intended reads for the week

This past week I read:

This week I plan to read:
Illicit Magic by Camilla Chafer
Wishful Thinking:

What's in your reading pile this week?

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