Sunday, March 25, 2012

IMM (79) & My Reading Pile (6)

IMM (In My Mailbox) is hosted by the amazing Kristi - The Story Siren!


Crank by Ellen Hopkins (audiobook)
Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Undead & Undermined by MaryJanice Davidson
Summer and the City by Candace Bushnell


Received from my future mother-in-law as an early wedding gift.

for the Julia Quinn challenge via Stitch Read Cook


Thank you Simon & Schuster!

from Harlequin TEEN via NetGalley - THANK YOU!

What did you get in your mailbox?

My Reading Pile is a feature over at fiktshun. This is where I will post my intended reads for the week.

This past week I read:
Initiation by Imogen Rose

This week I plan to read:
Revamped by Ada Adams
Crank by Ellen Hopkins (audiobook)

What's in your reading pile this week?


  1. I had no idea Immortal Rules was on Netgalley. I just went and snatched a copy for myself! You got a lot of books this week. Hope you have fun reading them all :D

    1. I had no idea until I saw it mentioned on fiktshun's site. :) So I jumped on over ASAP and nabbed a copy for myself. :) *squee*

  2. I've heard Crank is amazing, Happy Reading!
    In My Mailbox

  3. Ellen Hopkins is amazing. But I don't think I can ever read her Crank series. I had a hard time with Tricks. I hope you enjoy the audiobook, the narrator is fantastic. She narrates a lot of Hopkins' novels and I love her. Enjoy.

    My IMM

    1. I might only end up listening to this one to see what the hype is about. I have so many other books that are on my wishlist compared to this one, but it was sitting at the library calling my name. LOL

  4. Ooh, what a great list of novels!

    I'm excited for the 9th. I hope that you're enjoying the book. :)

    Best regards,

    1. Hi Ada! I'm really enjoying it so far. And I cannot wait until the 9th either. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I love that you included a cookbook, one that I USE ALL THE TIME. ha ha. Love the Pioneer Woman. :)

    I got The Immortal Rules too, but from another blogger so it's a physical copy. it's huge! O___o but I'm very excited to read it. enjoy and happy reading (and cooking!)

    my IMM.

    1. Hi Ashelynn! My BFF Aislynn loves that cookbook too - she actually recommended it to me and when I saw that my future mother in law bought a copy I squealed and then she went out and bought me my very own copy as an early wedding gift. :)

      I'm looking forward to the Immortal Rules too!

  6. What a terrific haul! I've read lots of good stuff about The Pioneer Woman Cooks! Hope you enjoy it and all your many reads!

    Hope you will pop by my IMM:)

  7. Great mailbox! I can't wait to get started on The Immortal Rules! Enjoy!


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