Sunday, March 18, 2012

IMM (78) & My Reading Pile (5)

IMM (In My Mailbox) is hosted by the amazing Kristi - The Story Siren!

This week I received one book in my mailbox.
 Thank you Razorbill Canada!

What did you get in your mailbox?

My Reading Pile is a feature over at fiktshun. This is where I will post my intended reads for the week.

This past week I read: 
  Review goes live on March 20th. 

I was also hopeful to read White Horse by Alex Adams this past week, but did not get to it. I will have to add it back in the mix though as I really need to read the following book for a blog tour that is upcoming. 

What's in your reading pile this week?


  1. Oh, Initiation sounds pretty good! Hope you enjoy it & have fun with the blog tour! Happy reading! <3

    1. I want to get started, but that will probably happen tomorrow night as I'm just finishing up another book right now. :)

  2. Oooooh creepy cover! I hope you enjoy everything you got :)

    Here's my IMM!

  3. The Charles de Lint book is quite good. Happy Reading!

  4. I have never read anything by Lint, I really should. I love the cover to the book too.

    Happy Reading

    1. I own one other de Lint book (which I got signed at the Ottawa Smart Chicks tour stop last year, but still haven't read). But I've heard great things about his work, so now is as any good as ever to dive in I think. :)

  5. I still need to read 1st book by Imogen.
    Happy Reading,
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. This is my first book by Imogen. I think it's going to be good. :)

  6. Great set! I like the cover for Initiation. I'm curious.
    My IMM

  7. Thanks for stopping by... I'm off to check out your blog. :)


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