Thursday, October 13, 2011

Review: Promissory Payback by Laurel Dewey

Publisher: The Story Plant
Published: August 2, 2011
Pages: 80
Received: ebook from the publisher via NetGalley
Buy Now: Amazon

Laurel Dewey’s Detective Jane Perry is quickly becoming one of the most distinctive, dynamic, and unforgettable characters in suspense fiction today. She’s rock hard, but capable of extraordinary tenderness. She’s a brilliant cop, but she’s capable of making life-altering mistakes. She’s uncannily talented, and she’s heartbreakingly human.

In this novella, Jane is called in to investigate the gruesome murder of a woman who profited greatly from the misfortunes of others. The case leaves Jane with little question about motive...and with a seemingly endless number of suspects.
Being as this is my first Jane Perry book, I absolutely loved her character. She is sarcastic, witty and is a take-no-crap kinda woman. The fact that this was a novelette didn't deter me from actually liking her character. The story moved along quickly, but gave you all of the information needed to understand our heroine and the supporting characters. The case Jane is investigating is gruesome to say the least and she has many suspects to check out. She has a keen eye, a sixth sense for the unseen and unsaid and a photographic memory. In the end this story is about payback and karma - Carolyn Handel is found in a most compromising position, hog tied, with promissory notes stuffed inside her mouth like and an apple in a pig's mouth. The story is about Jane tracking down the murderer and using her skills to sniff out the truth. I'm actually looking forward to reading more Jane Perry novels now that I've had a taste of her character. 

Find out more about the Jane Perry Series at Laurel Dewey's website.


  1. I'm never sure about novelette's but if you had enough time to know the character and get a good feel for her then that's good! Plus it gives you a feel for if you'll like other books if the character is featured in others (which it sounds like here), so that's great!

  2. @Candace - I was reluctant at first, but it was well written and pretty much told the story, gave you a feel for the characters and wasn't full of fluff. :)


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