Friday, October 14, 2011

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop
“What is your favorite spooky book (i.e. mystery/suspense, thriller, ghost story, etc.)?”

I'm going with The Blackstone Chronicles by John Saul. This was a serial of novellas that all culminated into one creepy story.  The story is taking place in a town where there is an old Asylum and it just oozes that creepy vibe. Then evil starts spreading through the town via some interesting gifts left to citizens of Blacktsone. I read this series when it was in the individual novella format instead of one larger book with all of the stories in it. I love creepy stories and this fits the bill.

From atop Blackstone's highest hill, the old Asylum casts its shadow over the village. Built in the 1890s to house the insane, the Asylum has stood vacant for decades. But now, the wrecker's ball is about to strike--and unleash an ominous evil. Strange gifts begin to appear on the doorsteps of Blackstone's finest citizens.

Each bears a mysterious history.

Each brings a horrifying power to harm.

Each reveals another thread in the suspensefully woven web of . . .


Part I--An Eye for an Eye: The Doll
Part II--Twist of Fate: The Locket
Part III--Ashes to Ashes: The Dragon's Flame
Part IV--In the Shadow of Evil: The Handkerchief
Part V--Day of Reckoning: The Stereoscope
Part VI--Asylum


  1. Hi, visiting from the Hop

    Ooh that does sound spooky! I'd never heard of this one before but it sounds interesting. Asylums are creepy even without evil within!

  2. I'm a new follower. I added John Saul to my TBR list after Thrill Week recommendations.

    I love your header and button, beautiful.

    My choice was The Restorer which I see you also read this year.

  3. @Shannon - Hopping your way and love your blog.

    @Marce - Oh I loved The Restorer and can't wait to read the rest of the series. :)

    Thank you for the lovely comments. I made the header and button myself. :)

  4. I loved your header and blog colors. Great content too.

    New Follower.


  5. that does sound like a creepy in a good way kind of book-

  6. @Elizabeth - aww thanks so much! :)


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