Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top Ten Books I Feel As Though Everyone Has Read But Me

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted weekly by - The Broke and the Bookish 

Top Ten Books I Feel As Though  
Everyone Has Read But Me

1. Unearthy - own it, but just haven`t gotten to it yet
2. Before I Fall - bought from used bookstore, but still haven`t read it
3. Delerium - have an ARC copy, started reading it, but got distracted by books needing to be reviewed for blog tours and just haven`t gotten back to it - though I think it will be an amazing read
4. anything by Sarah Dessen - It`s funny because I actually own a few Dessen books and I had her as a friend on LiveJournal before I knew about blogger
5. Catching Fire and Mockingjay - listened to The Hunger Games as audio book and LOVED IT, but just haven`t gotten around to reading the rest of the series... maybe I`ll ask for the complete set for Christmas
6. Wither - Own it, but haven`t gotten to it - the cover is so pretty and I really need to crack this one open soon
7. Anna and the French Kiss - heard nothing but amazingness about this book - it`s on my wishlist
8. The Vampire Academy Series - read Bloodlines without having read VA series and now MUST go back and read the back story... I know that I will love it..
9. Water For Elephants - yet again another book that I own, but have not read
10. Looking For Alaska - received this as a RAK gift from my wishlist - still haven`t read it *sigh*


  1. Most of the books you mention are on my to-read list, too.

  2. Catching Fire and Mockingjay need to be read! That series is awesome.

    And definitely read Anna and the French Kiss too!

    - Alexa

  3. I know... I keep meaning to get to them. LOL

    I think I'll ask for them for Christmas as a set so I can read them all together including The Hunger Games again... it would be nice to read them back to back. :)

    And Anna is a must as well - I see so much about it everywhere and need in on this one LOL

  4. You gotta read Before I Fall. Really good book. I, too, have yet to read the Vampire Academy series. Hope you get to read these soon :)

  5. I have so many great books sitting on my shelves... now to find time to read them all. LOL

  6. Those are some amazing books. At least you know you have good reading ahead of you :)


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