Monday, September 12, 2011

Guest Review: No Greater Sacrifice by John C Stipa

I received this book for review quite a while ago - I had started it many times, but hadn't managed to tackle it completely. And when my BFF Aislynn was looking for something new to read I suggested she try reading this book because what I had read of it reminded me of The DaVinci Code and knew that she would love it. Now that she has read it and reviewed it, I must make sure I get to this one, because it sounds absolutely amazing!

And now onto the guest review that Aislynn of Stitch Read Cook has written!  

Title:  No Greater Sacrifice
Author:  John C. Stipa
Genre:  Mystery, Action, Historical Fiction
Pages:  394
Published:  September 2009
Source:  Borrowed from Chrystal

Synopsis:  (via GoodReads)
When feisty archaeologist Renée d'Arcadia is summoned to France to take part in the reading of a will, she is plunged into a maelstrom of deceit and destruction to solve a 100-year-old mystery originating from a sinister church where nothing is as it seems. Renée joins forces with David Arturo, an ex-helicopter pilot with a troubled past, to interpret clues cleverly hidden in tombstones and classic works of literature to find artifacts scattered across Europe. Racing against time, Renée and David must overcome their inner demons to outmaneuver a network of evil bent on destroying them. What they find in each other just might provide answers to some of mankind's oldest myths.

Ever gets ones of those books that you put on the shelf and don't think to pick up?  That sounds amazing, but it just keeps moving farther down the pile?  That COMPLETELY surprises you with how AMAZING the story is once you sit down and read it?  That's exactly what happened with this book!  Chrystal of Snowdrop Dreams told me about this story and had me intrigued.  I had to read it!  She brought it up to me earlier this summer and it got put in my TBR pile with a multitude of other books that I need to get read.  I picked it up earlier this week and was so completely sucked into the story!

Renee is dying - she has be diagnosed with Leukemia.  A renowned Archeologist, she takes a vacation to Greece and manages to cause a cave in at one of the oldest temples, and 'borrows' an artifact that changes the course of her life as well as David Arturo's.  These two run into one another in an airport on route to France for a will reading that includes both of them as the beneficiaries.  They have an interesting conversation on route to their destination about myths and historical facts. These two are amazing characters - they are on a journey of discovery in so many ways!

We meeting some great characters through the story - helpful characters who aid them on their journey.  Who are exterminated by the enemy for no reason other then they are there.  Characters who are an integral part of the story.  We also meet characters who cause more trouble then they are worth - who put obstacles in Renee and David's path.  Who are determined to hurt, steal, and damage history.  All of them important to the story and who without the story wouldn't be what it was!

There are so many twists and turns, and unexpected moments that I couldn't put the story down.  I just had to know what was going to happen next!! I had to know whether they would find what they are looking for and how they got to it.  It's filled with action, bombs, guns, mysterious disguises, abandoned houses, old churches, caves and a little bit of religion.  I don't want to give away a whole lot - as each small detail is tied into the story and I refuse to ruin the story for anyone!

If you are a reader of Dan Brown, Andy McDermott, Clive Cussler, Steve Berry or Matthew Reilly - you will LOVE this story.  I recommend you pick this up and give it a try - you won't be disappointed!


  1. Great review. I'm very interested in this one -- haven't heard of it before. Thanks.

  2. Thank you for lending me your copy of the book :) I hope that John Stipa does another one soon!!

  3. Ooh, sounds like one helluva read! Definitely a fan of Dan Brown's earlier books (Lost Symbol, well, lost me), so give me a good conspiracy theory book any day!

    Thanks for the rec!


  4. Wow, this sounds like a heck of a ride! It reminds me of "The Book of Blood and Shadows" which is on Netgalley right now. It's a bit DaVinci code-esque and I really enjoyed it.


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