Friday, January 14, 2011

Book Blog Hop & Follow Friday | Fave Genre & Pets

Book Blogger Hop

"Why do you read the genre that you do?  What draws you to it?"
 I read multiple genres - I would say my main one would be paranormal. I am drawn to vampires, werewovles, ghosts and more. I have always been intrigued by the things that I cannot explain or that are unknown. I also love urban fantasy - I love faeries and such... they seem so beautiful and magical to me. I always thought one day I would see a faery if I just believed in them enough. *sigh*

What makes up your non-human family??

I have two cats - Esme, who is 2 and a half year old grey tabby and Sasha, who is a 7 year old black and crabby. I have posted about them both here on my blog at different points. We also have a 30 gallon fish tank with some nameless fish, though Greg's nieces treid to teach us their names when they came for a visit - Spotty, Dotty, Blackie and the rest I don't quite remember. 


  1. Hopping through. I love paranormals as well. Vampires are my favorite.
    My Hop

  2. Hopping by:) Paranormal is one of my favourite genres also, although I read almost every genre there is.

    Have a nice weekend:)

  3. It seems like every blogger is talking about their tank full of fish! Makes me want to get a fish tank again! I love paranormal, it's one of my favorite generes, too (I'm addicted to vampires, i admit it!)

  4. Thanks for stopping by everyone!

    Anastacia - I love keeping fish... sometimes I just sit and stare at them while they swim around and it's peaceful.


I read every comment and try to reply to them all. Thanks for visiting my little piece of the blogosphere.

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