Wednesday, March 13, 2019

What I've Learned About Graphic Novels

A lot of fellow book bloggers are very into graphic novels and I had only read a few here and there, so I thought I should give a few more a try. Overall, I've come to realize I'm not a huge fan and this saddens me as I thought I would love them more.

These are the few that I've read in the past:

I recently picked up three graphic novels from my local library. They have three sections for graphic novels there including children's, young adult and adult. I scoured them all and here are my thoughts on the few that I picked up.
Runaways: Fund Your Way Home by Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka


The "IT" book of the early 2000s with the original cast is back--Nico! Karolina! Molly! Chase! Old Lace! And, could it be...GERT?!

The heart of the Runaways died years ago, but you won't believe how she returns! Superstar author Rainbow Rowell (Eleanor & Park, Carry On) makes her Marvel debut with fan-favorite artist Kris Anka (ALL-NEW X-MEN, CAPTAIN MARVEL) in the series that will shock you and break your heart! Did Chase and Gert's love survive their time apart? Have Karolina and Nico's feelings made their friendship impossible? What emotional landmines lie in wait to DESTROY the Runaways?!

First off, just know that I picked this up because RAINBOW ROWELL! I pretty much love anything she does. I did enjoy the story line in this one, though I hadn't read any previous Runaways before. The artwork is beautiful. I think mainly I need to go back and read the previous Runaways editions so that I could understand more of the back story - you do get a bit with this one, but I think it may have had a bigger impact if I had read from the beginning. 
Ms Marvel: No Normal by G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Aphona

Marvel Comics presents the new Ms. Marvel, the groundbreaking heroine that has become an international sensation!

Kamala Khan is an ordinary girl from Jersey City — until she's suddenly empowered with extraordinary gifts. But who truly is the new Ms. Marvel? Teenager? Muslim? Inhuman? Find out as she takes the Marvel Universe by storm! When Kamala discovers the dangers of her newfound powers, she unlocks a secret behind them, as well. Is Kamala ready to wield these immense new gifts? Or will the weight of the legacy before her be too much to bear? Kamala has no idea, either. But she's comin' for you, Jersey!

I didn't really know a lot about Captain Marvel, so Ms. Marvel is new to me too. I really liked the idea of a teenage Muslim superhero and this story actually demonstrates a lot of the challenges that teens face when trying to grow up surrounded by your cultures beliefs but living in America. They want to follow their family's beliefs, but also be their own person since they are growing up surrounded by possibilities. Kamala rebels against her parents only slightly at the beginning, but once she gains her powers, she starts to act out more and do what she wants as she feels the responsibility to help those around her. This cover is everything!
Funko Universe by John Layman, Georgia Ball, Caleb Goellner, Philip Murphy and Nico Pena

The biggest and best characters from Funko get their own comic book stories focused on the Ghostbusters,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The X-Files, Strawberry Shortcake, and Judge Dredd in the fun and magical Funko Universe!

It's all out fun when The Ghostbusters battle an undead ninja and the total destruction of the land of the living. Then the TMNT get wind of a new Shredder-inspired cereal and go to the source to investigate the bad-guy based breakfast! While in The X-Files, a bevy of talented creators seek the truth--and some laughs--with your favorite FBI agents! Then journey back to Strawberryland with Funko Pop and old friends like Blueberry Muffin, Huckleberry Pie and of course, Strawberry Shortcake! And finally check out the funkiest Judge Dredd of all-time as Funko takes over Mega-City One.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love FUNKO POPS! So I just had to grab this one to try. The fun thing about this one was that there were different illustrators for each story inside. I will say that my favourite stories inside were Ghostbusters and Strawberry Shortcake, but my favourite illustrations were Ghostbusters and TMNT!

After writing my short thoughts on these graphic novels, it seems like I enjoyed them more than I initially thought. They were a nice break from novels or audiobooks, but I still think overall they are not for me. It might by nice to throw one in here and there, but they won't be becoming my go to anytime soon. Overall, I think the thing I enjoy most about graphic novels is the artwork. I realize just how much I like reading longer more details stories.

A few that I've reserved at the library to try are:

What graphic novels can you recommend that I try?


  1. Lovely post! I have a on and off relationship with graphic novels. I usually enjoy the ones I do pick up, but I'll always prefer novels. Saga's a really fun one, I hope you'll enjoy it!

    1. Sadly I didn't get to Saga yet. I'm going to try again, because I've heard such great things!


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