Sunday, January 20, 2019

Updating my Goodreads Shelves

For years I've struggled with my Goodreads shelves, but this year I think I finally have it nailed down. I have added and deleted a dozen different shelves while trying to manage this revamp of my shelves. We moved in November, so I had already done a huge clean up of my physical bookshelves and updated my Goodreads accordingly as we were downsizing and I couldn't bring all the books with me. But only after watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, did I actually try to do a major Goodreads shelf clean up. Funny enough, I have her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up on my shelf (I almost purged this one during the move, but somehow it made it back onto my shelf).

Pretty much I've kept my yearly bookshelves where I track what I've read each year so it's easier to find. And I have kept a few of the shelves or my ongoing goals, like 1001 Books To Read Before I Die and the Gilmore Girls Reading Challenge.

I did have a wishlist which has now just merged with my to read shelf. I used to sort books I wanted to read vs books I already have on my shelves to read, but I decided they could all be on one shelf because either way I want to read them. If the book happens to not physically be on my bookcase in my home then I'll just borrow it from the library. That was easy enough to tackle. My WANT TO READ shelf is currently at 273!

I did add a list for BOOKS I WANT TO BUY. This is for books I loved, but don't own a copy and I know that I want to own a physical copy so I can read again and again. This list is pretty small only coming in at 18 books and are the books that SPARK JOY for me. I cannot wait to own them!

And last, I have BOOKS TO REVIEW ASAP. This is the section that needs attention and where I list all the books that have come in for review either solicited or unsolicited. I still have quite a few to get through and plan to mix them up with other mood reading. I am not requesting anything further from publishers at this time as I'm still in the middle of weighing the pros and cons of continuing my blog, switching to Instagram & Twitter exclusively or just tracking on Goodreads. I still don't truly know what is going to work best for me.

Here are some articles that inspired me to get my Goodreads shelves in order.
-Getting Organized on Goodreads (TIP: don't forget to turn off notifications while you clean up your shelves like I did or you'll be spamming your friends/followers - Hannah has the deets on how to turn this off while fixing up your shelves!)  

So tell me, how do you organize your Goodreads shelves - any magic tips?

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