Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Before the Dawn by Cynthia Eden | Blog Tour Excerpt

Before the Dawn (Killer Instinct #2) by Cynthia Eden
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: August 1, 2017
Pages: 384
Find Online: Goodreads | Amazon | Books-A-Million | B&N

The Killer Instinct series from New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden continues as an FBI profiler tracks a case that resurrects ghosts from his past

Ex-SEAL Tucker Frost knows that the world is full of evil. He saw it in the face of his own brother, Mason Frost, a cold, methodical, sadistic killer. A killer Tucker put down with his own hands in order to save Mason's final victim—Dawn Alexander, the only girl who got away from the infamous "Iceman."

It's Tucker's up close and personal experience with evil that's made him perfect for Samantha Dark's experimental profiling division in the FBI. Samantha wants agents who have personal ties with killers, who have unique insights into the minds of monsters. And when women start turning up murdered with the same MO used by the Iceman, Tucker is sent back to Louisiana to investigate.

The last person he expects to see is his ex-lover, Dawn. Ten full years have passed since the night that Tucker faced down his brother…and since he last saw Dawn. But the dark need still burns just as hot between Tucker and Dawn. As they grapple with a desire that never died, they must also face the shared shadow from their pasts. Both Tucker and Dawn have the same question—has Mason Frost come back from the dead to hunt again? And this time, will he succeed in killing the victim who got away?

“We have all been in life-and-death situations with serials. We know how dangerous they are. We don’t un derestimate them. We see them from a unique perspec tive that no one else can fully appreciate.” She exhaled as she moved around the table. “And that perspective is going to help us. It will allow us to think outside of the box. It will allow us to notice things that others can not. It will allow us to stop the perpetrators before they take more innocent victims.” 

Hell, yes. That was what he wanted. Why he’d agreed to join this group when Samantha had ap proached him. He’d been working in Violent Crimes for years now, but going back to profiling, it was ex actly what he needed. 

Maybe the guilt will finally stop. If he could stop enough serials. If he could make a difference, if, if, if. “You all know that there are currently 25 to 50 ac tive serial killers hunting in the United States.” Her lips thinned. “Or at least, that’s the number we’re supposed to be working with.” The number that the FBI bandied about to the media.

“I think there are more,” Bowen said, his voice rumbling. “I think there are hunters who are so good at killing, the authorities have no idea they’re out there. They’re flying right beneath the radar, pick ing victims that no one will miss, and they’re getting away with murder.” 

“That’s where we come in,” Samantha said with a nod. “Part of our job will be to try to find those unknown killers. We will unmask the ones who are hiding in shadows. We’ll find the victims that they don’t want anyone to know about.” 

“That’s easier said than done,” Macey murmured. 

Samantha smiled. “Yes, it is.” Her shoulders rolled in a shrug. “But I think we’re up to the challenge.” 

Tucker didn’t speak. 

“That’s part of our job,” Samantha continued in that mild, calm voice of hers. An oddly soothing voice. “But another part…another part is immediate mobili zation when we think local authorities have uncovered an active serial. At the first hint of serial involvement, a team will immediately deploy to the local area and begin cooperative action with the authorities there.” 

He liked that. Damn straight they needed imme diate action. When it came to serials, the locals were often in way over their heads, and time lost meant lives lost. 

“That brings me to the reason I called this meet ing…” She glanced at the watch on her slender wrist. “At seven p.m. on a Friday night.” She headed toward her laptop and pressed a few buttons. She had a pro jector hooked up and a screen had already lowered from the ceiling. “Agents, we have our first target.” 

And an image appeared on that white screen. Even though he’d prepared for it, Tuck’s whole body tensed. No, hell, no. Not happening. It shouldn’t be happening— “Is she…frozen?” Macey asked.

About the Author:
ward-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Cynthia is also a three-time finalist for the prestigious RITA® award. Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over eighty novels and novellas.

Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. She loves romance novels, horror movies, and chocolate. Her favorite hobbies including hiking in the mountains (searching for waterfalls) and spelunking.

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