Saturday, July 1, 2017

Lennox & Addington Library Canada 150 Reading Challenge

I'm participating in the Lennox & Addington Library Canada 150 Reading Challenge  (to be completed by August 31 - one book can count for more than one spot on the list).

Apparently it started in May (based on their May-August newsletter where I found the list), so I'm going to count anything I read from that point on. 

-Read a CanLit book with 150+ pages
-Read a book about a Canadian musician
-Cook a recipe from a Canadian cookbook
-Read a biography about a famous Canadian
-Read an OLA Evergreen Award nominee
-Read a book set in the Arctic
-Read a book set in Canada's West during the 1800s
-Read a book set in the Maritimes
-Read a Canadian children's picture book
-Read a book about hockey
-Read one of CBC Canada Reads winners
-Read a book by a local author

Wish me luck! And if you have any recommendations leave them in the comments!


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