Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Top Ten Series I've Been Meaning To Start But Haven't


The Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter - I loved The Heist Society series and even read a short story crossover, but still haven't started this series. I do have the first one on my Kindle app because it was one of those deal of the day specials a while back, but still haven't started reading it.

The Witchlands by Susan Dennard - I won the first book in the series last year, but it's still sitting on my bookshelf. In my defense, I won it just before I had my baby so it went on the back burner.

The Glass Series by Maria V Snyder - I bought the paperbacks for Storm Glass, Sea Glass and Spy Glass two years ago, but still haven't started them.

Jane Jameson Series by Molly Harper - I have all four books on my shelf and they have been there for years. I really need to get reading them. It was when I was going through a vampire phase.

Wondrous Strange Series by Lesley Livingston - I've had the first two in the series on my shelf for some time and they are signed! I just need the third book and then maybe I'll read them.  ;)

White Rabbit Chronicles by Gena Showalter - I have the first as an ebook and the second is an ARC I traded for a while back.

Across the Universe by Beth Revis - my BFF gave me the first two books in hardcover years ago, still haven't read them.

How To Series by Vicky Dreiling - another series by BFF sent to me. I have the complete series, just need to get in the mood for a good historical romance series.

NOLA Zombie Series by Gillian Zane - I bought the first three plus the prequel novella to support a fellow blogger, but haven't read them yet. I was in a very big zombie phase for a while too, but switched when I hit a slump. I hope to get to these soon as they sound amazing!

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard - During my pregnancy, my hubby and I started watching the TV series. We never finished, but plan to sometime. But I still really want to read this series, even though it looks long with 16 books and a few novellas.

What series have you been meaning to start but haven't yet? Have you read any of the ones I've listed, what did you think?


  1. Across the Universe is a great series! Hope you get into it soon. <3 And Pretty Little Liars is pretty trashy, but it's definitely lots of fun. I had to drop it at #7 though because it was just starting to drag on, and there was so much drama! Great picks. :)

    Cass @ Words on Paper

    1. My BFF gave me the copies of Across the Universe when they first came out, but I just haven't managed to get to them. My TBR shelves are so full. LOL

      And PLL seems like a series I would start but might not finish. Though I do want to finish watching the TV series.


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