Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Recent Books I Read On Recommendation From Non-Book Blogger Sources


The following books were recommended to me by non-blogger sources in the last year: friends, family, library, magazines, online, etc. For each I'll list what made me pick up the book to read. What books have you read that were non-book blogger influenced? (Clicking the images will take you to the Goodreads page for the book).

Sh*tty Mom by Mary Ann Zoellner, Laurie Kilmartin, Karen Moline, Alicia Ybarbo- my sister-in-law let me borrow this at the end of my pregnancy and I just finished reading it and I reviewed it here.
How To Say Goodbye In Robot by Natalie Standiford - I found it while browsing the audiobook section of my library during my pregnancy.
Speaking In Bones by Kathy Reichs - Another from the audiobook section of my library - also I'm a huge Kathy Reichs fan so no one needs to tell me to try her books. ;)
Toddlers Are A**holes by Bunmi Laditan - I found her facebook page via other Mom's I know and realized she'd written some books so I borrowed this from the library (then I bought a Kindle copy). My review can be found here.
Island Girls by Nancy Thayer - I kept seeing this displayed at my local bookstore during the summer so I borrowed the audiobook from my library - great summer read (and I have it for Kindle too).

Yes, My Accent Is Real by Kunal Nayyar - It's Raj! How can you not want to read his book? I borrowed this as well from my library (audiobook version narrated by Kuanl himself) after seeing it mentioned in a magazine. 
First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen - found at local pharmacy while waiting for a prescription to be filled and it was a companion novel to Garden Spells that I adored. 
Anne Frank: Diary of a young Girl - borrowed from library to tick off another book from the Gilmore Girls reading challenge I am attempting. Review still to come as I'm going to be attending an exhibit at my local library that has things from the Anne Frank Musuem!
Rainshadow Road by Lisa Kleypas - I'll be attempting to finish this series, since I picked up the first in the series while in an airport and hadn't gotten around to finishing the series until I saw the audiobook version sitting at my library calling my name!
I Was Here by Gayle Forman - another audiobook find at the library. I'd heard lots about Gayle Forman's work before, but hadn't attempted any of her novels until now.


  1. Anne Frank: Diary of a young Girl is a must read, really sad. I cried a lot!

    1. I'm not sure why I'd never read it before. It really is a must read.

  2. I really need to read Toddler Are A**holes. I say that phrase to myself often. ;) I haven't read I Was Here yet. I really need to, I love Gayle's books!

    1. You should! It's so funny and spot on.

      And I Was Here is so good. Especially the audio book version.

  3. First Frost looks good, and I've heard good things about her books. And Toddlers Are A**holes is probably worth it for the title alone! Ha ha

    1. Her books are great. And yes, the Toddlers book is hilarious. It was a good read during the first weeks of having a newborn. It made me feel like I wasn't alone in the crazy. ;)

  4. I keep saying I'm going to do a Gilmore Girls reading challenge but haven't managed to get around to it yet. I hope you succeed and I totally agree that The Diary of Anne Frank is a must read.

    1. It's a big challenge and I doubt I will read them all, but I plan to read everyone that interests me at least.

  5. oh my goodness, so many of these look amazing. Definitely going to be checking out the toddlers are a**holes book. Sounds like some super helpful comedic relief!


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