Friday, October 21, 2016

Blogging, Reading and Baby

It's no surprise to those who read my blog lately that I have a four month old daughter who is the sweetest baby ever, but I feel that my blog is taking a backseat to life again (as it should I suppose). When Spencer naps, I generally try to get some chores done or end up watching Netflix. I haven't put as much time in to reading either, but I'm hoping that changes soon.

I'm trying very hard to work on a schedule for Spencer so that her feedings, naps and bedtime are more consistent in hopes that I can figure out how to fit in reading and blogging a little more. Or at least setting aside a few hours a week for blogging, so I can work on a few posts a couple of times a week so that I feel more accomplished. 

This week Spencer is trying baby cereal and bigger bottles. It's been a challenge going from smaller bottles more often to larger ones spaced out, but we'll get there and I hope this means she may nap longer or go to bed earlier at night. 

The one thing that has been happening is reading with Spencer and I've already posted the first review for a book we read together - No, No, Gnome! So look forward to more reviews featuring my sweet baby girl.

I have a few blog tours to complete, which I think are helping me to make sure I get some reading into my routine. I miss reading! And I've been trying to use my tablet to read using my Kindle app. I've been trying to use social media more while baby is feeding or sleeping my arms. Thank goodness for cells phones with WiFi.

Finding balance has always been hard, but now it's that much more difficult. I'm looking at ways to organize my blogging ideas and posts while fitting it into my day of being a full time Mom (at least for a year while I'm on maternity leave) and keeping my home organized as well. I'm sure when I go back to work it will be even more interesting.

For other momma book bloggers out there - how did you find the balance? Looking for suggestions on getting organized. When do you fit blogging and social media into your day?


  1. Oh man, I am always so impressed by you mamas and your ability to do it all. I can't imagine how crazy life can get. Baby Spencer is a sweetheart.

    1. Thanks Sara! I know mommas that have a better handle on baby, life, work and blog balance than me. I'm on maternity leave still so I think I've work is added back in I might be in trouble. LOL

  2. Good luck! I didn't blog when my son was a baby, but I still managed to read quite a bit. Reading on the Kindle app on my phone while doing late night feedings really helped. I would sit in the dark while feeding him a bottle to try not to let him wake up too much, and I would read with the brightness on my phone turned all the way down. It took about 20 minutes to feed him a bottle sometimes because he'd keep falling back to sleep, but then I got a lot of reading in.

    Now that I am blogging, and my son is older (6), I blog about kids books as well as adult/YA reads. We read a lot of books together, and I enjoy reviewing and discussing them as well on my other blog - Mom's Radius.

    1. Hi Kate! I'm trying to fit blogging in whenever I can. It's one of my hobbies and an escape once in a while, but it is a lot tougher now. I haven't spent as much time reading as I have watching Netflix, but I plan to use my tablet a lot more at night to read while she feeds or falls asleep.

      I'll have to check out your other blog! Thanks for stopping by!


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