Tuesday, October 18, 2016

10 Character Names That Are Perfect For Pets!


1) I actually have a cat named Esme! I found her at the Humane Society and that was the name they gave her so I kept it!  It was during the Twilight craze.

2) Baz from Carry On by Rainbow Rowell - I'd love a male cat with this name. He'd need to be a brown tabby or a tuxedo cat.

3) Atticus from To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee - A golden retriever named Atticus would be adorable! 

4) Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor -  I think a rabbit would suit this name best.

5) Selene from Orphan Station by John Kent - I think this would make another great cat name!

6) Wren from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - I think either a cat or a rabbit would suit this one too! 

7) Luna from Harry Potter series - cat or bird.

8) Stella from Illicit Magic by Camilla Chafer - obviously a cat (notice a theme?)

9) Nara from Brightest Kind of Darkness by PT Michelle - definitely a dog of some sort.

10) Pearl from Drink Slay Love by Sarah Beth Durst - a fish!

What character names do you think suit pets? Do you have a pet named after a fictional character?


  1. I have a dog named Atticus!! He's a little poodle x schnauzer though and SO CUTE...but so not smart and poised like Atticus. haha.😂 But ah well. I try. ;D Your cat is beautiful! And I think Baz would be the best name for a cat!

    1. I knew Atticus would be a great dog name!

      I also have a second cat named Sasha, but not sure how she got that name. She was my sister in law's before my husband had her. She is even sweeter than Esme.

  2. I love so many of these! Karou, Atticus, and Wren are perfect pet names. Esme is adorable!

    1. Thanks for coming by. Isn't Karou a fun name? And thanks, I fell in love with Esme's eye colour.

  3. Loving Luna, Stella, and Pearl for cats!
    Great List! :D
    My BTT! :D

    1. Thanks. It was fun coming up with fun pet names from books!

  4. I like Wren and Lina a lot, and Karou is a good name too. Esme's a cute cat name.

    1. Karou is interesting, that's why it caught my eye.

  5. Atticus was a name that came to mind when I was thinking about how to go about doing this challenge! Also I don't know why I didn't think of Baz - it's honestly the perfect cat name

    1. Atticus seems popular for pets. And Baz is so different that it's been on my mind. If I ever get a male cat that will be his name.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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