Monday, June 13, 2016

Simon & Schuster Canada Presents: The Light Between Oceans Read-A-Long

Simon and Schuster Canada is running a read-a-long for The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman in honour of the film being released on September 2nd. If you want to participate you can join the Goodreads Read-A-Long Group - it runs from july 8th to August 26th! 

I already own a copy of this book and it's on my TBR pile for this summer, so I'm super excited to bump this up the list and get started. Since my baby is due any day, I think reading this book in a read-a-long format will work perfectly with my new life change (I'll read while nursing and won't feel bad for not reading the book at a faster pace). 

If you don't already have a copy of the book you can enter the Goodreads Giveaway for your very own copy! (Canada Only)

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman
Published: July 31, 2012
Pages: 343

After four harrowing years on the Western Front, Tom Sherbourne returns to Australia and takes a job as the lighthouse keeper on Janus Rock, nearly half a day’s journey from the coast. To this isolated island, where the supply boat comes once a season and shore leaves are granted every other year at best, Tom brings a young, bold, and loving wife, Isabel. Years later, after two miscarriages and one stillbirth, the grieving Isabel hears a baby’s cries on the wind. A boat has washed up onshore carrying a dead man and a living baby.

Tom, whose records as a lighthouse keeper are meticulous and whose moral principles have withstood a horrific war, wants to report the man and infant immediately. But Isabel has taken the tiny baby to her breast. Against Tom’s judgment, they claim her as their own and name her Lucy. When she is two, Tom and Isabel return to the mainland and are reminded that there are other people in the world. Their choice has devastated one of them.

M. L. Stedman’s mesmerizing, beautifully written novel seduces us into accommodating Isabel’s decision to keep this “gift from God.” And we are swept into a story about extraordinarily compelling characters seeking to find their North Star in a world where there is no right answer, where justice for one person is another’s tragic loss.

The Light Between Oceans is exquisite and unforgettable, a deeply moving novel.

*Winner of the 2012 Goodreads Choice Award

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