Thursday, February 11, 2016

Book Purge

Well the time has come that I've finally did a large book purge. I've had to move from my old office into the spare bedroom to make room for baby. And since there is not a lot of room for bookcases, I've pared down my piles. I have a little bookshelf of my favourites and then two storage containers of TBR books. 

I have piles of books to get rid of: to my sister, to my friend and my nieces. And a huge pile to sell online and another of ARCs that my library will take from me. It's crazy how many books I'm purging. Many of them I have not read, but really thought I wanted to. I've only kept those that I know I will for sure read at some point. 

And on top of that - I am restricting my purchases. And I'm using the library more too. 

Have you ever done a book purge? Were you anxious, or did it make you feel lighter?


  1. I've had a couple of book binges, but I haven't done one for a while...and I've definitely accumulated a lot of books! I recently moved though, and I left most of my books behind in my parents' house. They haven't hassled me to get rid of any yet, so I'm not feeling the pressure, but I should probably go through them and get rid of some the next time I'm home. :P

    1. This downsize was necessary. Needed to make room for baby, so not much choice. But it is freeing in a way. So far no takers on my online posts to sell my books, so I took a bagful to the nearest Little Free Library down the road from my mother in law's house to fill it up. I might just keep doing that every few weeks until all of the books are gone. :)


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