Saturday, December 5, 2015

Why I've been MIA and why I'll still be dealing with an on again/off again hiatus

So ya... this is why I've been MIA. I've been super tired and very sick (morning sickness is not always morning sickness - I have all day nausea and I am sick any time of day... fun times). So I've had to back out of a few blog tours at last minute and they tour hosts have been amazing about it all. Honestly, this blog nation we have is amazing and supportive and I cannot imagine being a part of any other group. 

So I'm actually just past my 3 month mark this weekend and Baby S is due June 19th! We find out the gender in early February - I cannot wait to find out. Since this will be my only baby, I want to know! And yes, this will be my only child as I am getting older and was worried this wouldn't even be a possibility for me shortly. It's all exciting and scary and amazing at the same time.

I actually found out that I was pregnant on my birthday. I had been feeling a little off and realized that it was a possibility so I took a test that night and received the best birthday gift ever.

Pretty much I think I will MIA a lot, but I am hoping to pop on here from time to time. I have a few reviews I'd like to get written up and post. I'd also like to find a schedule that will work for me... maybe twice a week if I can figure that out, now that my exhaustion should be subsiding.

Wishing you all the best this holiday season and hopefully the new year will bring me around more often!


  1. You found out on your birthday?! that's really cool! I can't wait to find out if you're having a boy or girl! I'm so thrilled for you that you're having a baby!

  2. Congrats Chrystal, what a great birthday gift indeed :)

  3. Congratulations!!! That was an amazing way to find out, and I hope you're doing well and dealing with the nausea.


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