Thursday, September 17, 2015

Meet... The Sparrow Sisters by Ellen Herrick | Review #TheSparrowSisters #TLCBookTours

The Sparrow Sister by Ellen Herrick
Published: September 1, 2015
Publisher: William Morrow
Pages: 384
Received: for honest review via publisher and TLC Book Tours
Find Online: Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble

With echoes of the alchemy of Practical Magic, the lushness of Saving CeeCee Honeycutt, and the darkly joyful wickedness of the Witches of East End, Ellen Herrick’s debut novel spins an enchanting love story about a place where magic whispers just beneath the surface and almost anything is possible, if you aren’t afraid to listen

The Sparrow sisters are as tightly woven into the seaside New England town of Granite Point as the wild sweet peas that climb the stone walls along the harbor. Sorrel, Nettie and Patience are as colorful as the beach plums on the dunes and as mysterious as the fog that rolls into town at dusk.

Patience is the town healer and when a new doctor settles into Granite Point he brings with him a mystery so compelling that Patience is drawn to love him, even as she struggles to mend him. But when Patience Sparrow’s herbs and tinctures are believed to be implicated in a local tragedy, Granite Point is consumed by a long-buried fear—and its three hundred year old history resurfaces as a modern day witch-hunt threatens. The plants and flowers, fruit trees and high hedges begin to wither and die, and the entire town begins to fail; fishermen return to the harbor empty-handed, and blight descends on the old elms that line the lanes.

It seems as if Patience and her town are lost until the women of Granite Point band together to save the Sparrow. As they gather, drawing strength from each other, will they be able to turn the tide and return life to Granite Point?

The Sparrow Sisters is a beautiful, haunting, and thoroughly mesmerizing novel that will capture your imagination.

First off - I really enjoyed this book! It reminded me of Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen, which I also adored. If you've read Garden Spells, I think you'll love The Sparrow Sisters. They are not even remotely the same, but I just had a feeling that they fall together.

The story of the Sparrow Sisters is enchanting and was a quick read for me. I flew through it one weekend while out enjoying the sunshine and relaxing by a river. It was a great summer story for me.

Mysterious things happen when Patience is around - you can tell her mood by the smells that trail behind her (spices and flowers), the weather can change depending on what's affecting her emotionally and she can heal almost anyone with her herbs and flowers. The town respects the sisters, they never bother them and they understand the unsaid magic that surrounds her. No one dares to call them sisters witches. They choose to call them healers. 

I love how plants are involved with the magic you uncover in this story. That is why it reminded me so much of Garden Spells. Natural abilites/affinities mixed with the possibility of magic. It's exciting and scary to those around, but also amazing and wonderful to those it helps. 

The witch hunt begins when someone dies and Patience is being held accountable for administering one of her remedies that caused the death. There is a fight to prove it wasn't her doing, but by this time everyone is pointing fingers and letting that little bit of doubt cloud their judgement. The inkling that magic must be responsible for this and it's all the sister's fault. A bit of a modern twist on the witch hunt of bygone years, but enough to make you wonder what you believe.

The one character that I had the hardest time with is Henry. He's so by the book about medicine that he disregards what Patience can do, until he finally realizes there is merit in her abilities. He flip flops so much, and he is kind of a little boring at times. I almost wish he had a streak of bad boy in him or just a little more exciting of a background. He wasn't horrible, but I feel like there needed to be a little more to him. 

Sorrel, the eldest, deals with two types of loss in her life. One about love and letting go and I would have liked to have read an entire book where she is the star. Perhaps a story where you experience her past would be amazing. And Nettie, the middle sister, is shy and is afraid to show Ben how she feels about him. The sisters pretty much shelter themselves from the town and stick to themselves because of their abilities and the rumors. I would love to see Nettie and Ben's romance unfold. Those are my wishes... that this become a series and we get more of the sisters. It's not that you can't imagine what happens for them all by the end of the book, but I'd just love more!

Somehow, I feel like Nettie was my favourite sister, though I didn't get enough of her. Paticence had so much drama surrounding her, though her story was good. And Sorrel's story seems so sad, but Nettie's seems so hopeful and bright. See I really do need more!

I think this has just rekindled my love for magical realism and I just might have to search out some similar books.

Side Note: Check out the sweet image of a sparrow and interesting facts about how certain plants can help heal on the chapter pages.

Check out the rest of the tour here.

About the Author: 
Ellen Herrick was a publishing professional in New York City until she and her husband moved to London for a brief stint; they returned nearly twenty years later with three children (her own, it must be said). She now divides her time between Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a small town on Cape Cod very much like Granite Point.


  1. I really enjoyed Garden Spells so I love that comparison. Sounds like this should book be on my TBR list!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour.


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