Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Top Ten Authors I've Read The Most Books From

Top Ten Tuesday hosted by the Broke and the Bookish

22 Laurell K Hamilton Books
15 MaryJanice Davidson books
12 Kathy Reichs books

 11 Bertrice Small books
 8 JK Rowling books
7 Julie Kagawa books 
4 Stephenie Meyer books 
3 J Lynn books 
3 Matthew Quick books 
 3 Maria V Snyder books

There are a ton of authors that I've read at least three books from. Too many to list actually.

Well after finding out there was an easier way to find my list on Goodreads... here are my actual numbers:
Which authors have you read the most of?


  1. It's so amusing to read other people's lists. I had A LOT of authors who I've read 7-9 books from! I did include some books from my childhood but not as many as I could have! Turns out the author I've read the most from is Janet Evanovich. Imagine all the bigger books I could have read instead of all hers....lol

    1. I have yet to read a Janet Evanovich book. I really need to as I've heard great things. :)

  2. I've read all the LKH books and I went pretty far with Mary Janice Davidson, I got kind of sick of her vampire series, though the Mermaid one was really funny!
    My ttt

    1. I'll have to check out MJDs mermaid series then. :)
      And I need to catch up on LKH.

  3. I did the same thing with Goodreads! I had no idea how I was going to tally them all up until I saw that neat little feature :P

    Julie Kagawa was also on my list! Anything she publishes, I read :P

    My TTT

    1. I wish I had seen that feature first. But I'm happy with my list and theirs.

      I need to read Kagawa's Talon series soon.


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