Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Currently.... August 2015

I had been toying around with writing a post like this monthly and then I happened upon one over at Emma's Bookery and just knew it was the right time to start. It's a fun post to share things happening in your life (not just bookish things either). It was originally found out at The Quiet People blog. EDIT: Beth from The Quiet People let me know it came from Foolish Oats originally.

Reading: Listening to Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and reading White Dresses by Mary Pflum Peterson.
Watching: Almost done season 6 of House, M.D.

Dreaming of: A longer summer. I don't feel like hubby and I have done anything exciting so far this summer. Normally we would have been camping, to baseball games, the zoo or other such fun things. *sigh*

Planning: Our September vacation to Washington, DC.

Making: A snakes and ladders game for work. I'm working on getting morale up and made a game to help thank each other for things we've done for one another or clients. I'm using the game to encourage the positive behaviour and track how effective it is.

Stocking Up On: Pens, highlighters, sticky notes for my new planner.
Wishing For: Gift cards for Chapters so I can buy ALL THE BOOKS.

Enjoying:  Reading on my porch swing.
Trying: The #MySummerEssentials challenge from @randomhouseca on Instagram

Eating: Chocolate Brownie Avalanche Ice Cream = death by chocolate

Goal Setting: See this is where I need to set exercise as a goal, but the whole "currently eating" section obviously shows that I'm not really trying all that much. Guess I better get on the goal planning a little more.

Learning: How to be a better leader at work. I'm hoping to one day become a supervisor and I am trying to gain the skills to coach others. I have all of the functional skills down pat, but they feel I need to gain more on the behavioral side.

Lusting Over: A copy of Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

What are you currently doing?


  1. How's the audiobook version of Ready Player One? I enjoyed the book but wasn't too enamoured with it. I was actually looking into reading Ernest Cline's newest book, Armada, but the less than positive reviews are making me hesitant.

    Good luck and have fun on your vacation to Washington DC! I hope you get to go to Georgetown Cupcakes, HAHA!

    Have a great August, Chrystal!

    1. I'm about halfway through the audio version and I'm enjoying it. Good narration.
      I'll add Georgetown Cupcakes to my list of must visits! Thanks!

  2. Oh, I love your edition, Chrystal! How is Ready Player One? I'm planning on stealing it from my boyfriend as soon as I've made more of a dent in my TBR pile...
    And as much as I'd like to be the original source of the Currently series, I found it on Foolish Oats MONTHS ago... so credit probably goes to Jessica!
    Beth x

    1. Thanks Beth! I'll update that in my links.
      I am almost halfway through the audiobook and I'm enjoying it. Might be because I loved video games growing up, but it's a good narration.


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