Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Taylor Swift Book Tag

I wasn't actually tagged for this one, but I found it on Bibliophilia's blog and just had to do it. It originally was started by Sarah at The Book Life. Credit for all of the Taylor images goes to Bibliophilia (she's added the source of the photos to the images). ETA: Apparently, there are some other songs/book choices when you watch the youtube video by Sarah... but I did the ones I found on Bibliophilia's page... so either way have fun if you choose to participate!

Random Magic by Sasha Soren - it's a really great story, but it's a little tough to get through (so much happens). Then you have all of these thoughts happening at once... like you are digesting what truly went down and it gets overwhelming. Then you remember how magical it all seemed and you love it again, but won't necessarily pick it up to read again.

 Now I See You by Nicole C. Kear - love this cover!

Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling - my Mom had my sister and I read this series with her and it always makes me smile and think of my Mom when I see my copies on my shelf.

How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff - war torn England where two cousins fall in love and try to survive.

Luc Chevalier in Breaking Love by M.J. Summers - he's the bad boy night club owner who does what he wants without regard for anyone or anything - he's a take charge kind of guy (but he can change right?)

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green - and it was myself - I saw the movie first, because my sister and brother were going and I didn't want to miss out on the fun. I still loved the book, but I already knew what was going to happen. :( 

We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach - all of the characters grow and change very quickly due to the fact that an asteroid is going to hit earth... so much happens to them all and they become better people for it.

The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker and Truthwitch by Susan Dennard - because witches and magic!

Abigail and Mark in Goodnight Tweetheart by Teresa Medeiros - they are adorable together and you watch them fall in love via twitter and their 140 character messages. Sweetest couple ever.

A lot of books make me cry. But most recently it was Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira - so many feels!

On The Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves - I've read some negative reviews just based on the ages of the two main characters, but I can't help but love their story. It was different from anything I'd read in a while and I really enjoyed the story and seeing how they adapted to everything that came their way.

I have quite a few autographed books on my shelves, but my favourite is ReVamped by Ada Adams - she signed a copy for me and mailed it to me and then when she found out that my Mom was ill and loved vampire stories, she signed a copy and mailed one to my Mom too. She is such a sweet person!

Savannah, Georgia - because of the book Save The Date by Mary Kay Andrews - love this book, love the characters, the story and mostly the setting in the south. I want to visit to see if people are really as nice as the ones in this book.

I haven't really read many retellings yet - though I have a few on my shelves that need to be read soon. So I'll pick the one of the few I have read so far - Cloaked by Alex Flinn (it's a mash up of retellings). And I'll add the one I really need to pick up again - Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce.

So I TAG anyone who wants to participate in this.


  1. First, I FREAKING LOVE TAYLOR. Second, I don't know most of these titles... The books you picked, I mean. Third, I do know The Witch Hunter I really enjoyed it. Fourth, I want to read LLTTD and Truthwitch.

    1. Yay! thank you for stopping by my blog! I read your review of The Witch Hunter and it was so great. I still need to write mine this week. LLTTD was amazing (listened to the audiobook version) and I cannot wait to get my hands on Truthwitch!


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