Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Task It Tuesday: Same Old, Same Old

It's time to try another of Felicia The Geeky Blogger's memes. I love her Book Budget posts and I love making lists, so why not try her Task It Tuesday to get things done around here!

This week...
-Write two book reviews
-Write one discussion post
-Try writing and publishing one short story on my blog (per my husbands suggestion)

Continuing Tasks...
-keep my review database updated
-update posts with images, ALT tags, and style beginning at post #1 and working my way to now

Last Week's Task Status
-Write two book reviews
-Write one discussion post
-Plan out two more ideas
What tasks are on your list?

1 comment:

  1. I keep trying to encourage my hubby to write himself, but he thinks I'd have more patience for it. So far not so much. LOL


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