Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June TBR Pile

So I'm taking a page from About Happy Books and compiling a pile of books to read in June. I'm hoping this will help me get through the giant pile of books in my TBR pile. So here goes... some are review copies, one is a library book and two are from my own shelves. 

TBR June 2015

Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira (audiobook from library) READ
Zoo by James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge (from my TBR shelves - to read by end of June before the TV series starts)
The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker (ARC for review) READ
Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham (from my TBR shelves)
Second Life by S.J. Watson (ARC for review)

What's on your TBR pile this month?


  1. Love Letters to the Dead was an amazing read and I thoroughly loved it. It's sort of like a female Perks of Being a Wallflower but the writing style is excellent. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the audiobook!

    1. I know I read Parks of Being a Wallflower years ago, but I don't remember it at all. So far after one disc I am enjoying Love Letters to the Dead. :)

  2. Love Letters to the Dead sounds interesting to me, but I've heard some not so great reviews about it so I'm hesitant to pick it up. I hope you like it though!

    1. I've seen mixed reviews, but it sounded interesting enough for me to see for myself. So far so good. Hoping to get to more of the audiobook tomorrow during my commute to work and at lunch. :)


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