Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Library Love - ABEA 2015

Armchair BEAThis is a funny topic for me, because I recently started a feature on my blog called Library Love! How convenient.

I use two different libraries - one in the city that I used to live in, but still work in. And one in the town that I live in now. I think it's great to have access to two library systems. They also both have multi-locations. 

My first library is Kingston Frontenac Public Library (KFPL). And the other is County of Lennox & Addington Library.

Lately, I have been writing a lot of posts about the great things that County of Lennox & Addington Library as they have been coming up with some great events and programs. Check out the posts:

I've also just been in contact with the Manager of Library Services in regards to donating some of my ARCs to their Graffiti program. She is absolutely lovely and I am looking forward to working with her and the other librarians.

Tell me about your library and what you love about it!


  1. Yeah Libraries! I am so glad that more and more people are talking about them :) :)

    1. Me too. I love my local library and need to use their services more. :)


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