Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Armchair BEA 2015 - Introductions

Armchair BEAIt's that time of year again - BEA, and for those of us not able to attend, we have Armchair BEA. So here we go, introductions!

I've been blogging for just about five years now. I'm from Canada and I began blogging after having found a book review on a blog when I was wanting to know more about a book. I realized that I could do this too, so started my own blog.

I love reading because it allows me to escape to other worlds, experience things I may never experience for myself and feel so many emotions. It's wonderful! I love blogging because it allows me to write my thoughts, it allows me to reach out to others like me and share the love of reading all around the world.

Diversity is all about reading different genres and styles of writing, out of my comfort zone. It also means reaching out to the blogging community to find others who are not like me - I love reading blogs about books I haven't read or reading discussion posts about things I hadn't considered yet. Variety is supposed to be the spice of life and what better way than to diversify.

Right now I am reading Fall For Anything by Courtney Summers

The book at the top of my TBR pile is Not That Kind Of Girl by Lena Dunham. It's been on my list for a while and I really want to read it. So I've put it to the top of the pile.

Will you be participating in ABEA?


  1. Replies
    1. It is... and I'm trying to make sure I read a variety of books and not just one genre or niche. I like to between different topics, genres and styles. :)

  2. I just realized it was on, so started writing my posts last night. EEK. One day I'd like to actually attend BEA.


I read every comment and try to reply to them all. Thanks for visiting my little piece of the blogosphere.

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