Sunday, May 31, 2015

Book Budget | May 2015

It was originally thought up by Felicia at Geeky Blogger's Book Blog.
1) I can buy 2 books a month or spend a MAX of $20, whichever comes first.
2) Only accept/ask for 2 review books per month. Including NetGalley.

At the end of each month I will post a recap and we will see if I stayed within my limits.
*Prices are subject to change as I do not control sales and some of the books listed below are from online specials.

Paris Letters by Janice MacLeod $12 (Costco)
Say Goodbye To Survival Mode by Crystal Paine $1 (Dollar Tree)
My Name is Memory by Ann Brashares .25 (library sale)
A Diry Job by Christopher Moore .25 (library sale)
Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King .25 (library sale)


Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira (audiobook)

The Gospel of Loki by Joanne M. Harris (unsolicited finished copy from Simon and Schuster)
The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boeker (ARC from Hachette Book Group Canada)
The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand (ARC from Hachette Book Group Canada)
Love May Fail by Matthew Quick (ARC from HarperCollins via TLC Book Tours)
Second Life by S.J. Watson (ARC from HarperCollins via TLC Book Tours)

TOTAL: $14.25

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