Friday, February 14, 2014

Romance Week Guest Post: The Star Catcher by Stephanie Keyes

The Star Catcher by Stephanie Keyes
Publisher: Inkspell Publishing
Pages: 421
Release Date: November 10, 2013

Magick and destiny intertwine as he fights to save his kingdom and the goddess he loves.
Her kiss…the feel of her skin…the beat of her heart…For seventeen-year-old Kellen St. James, each memory is marred by a single sentence on a lone strip of paper.

Cali has been taken…

Armed with an amulet that channels the ultimate power of Faerie, Kellen searches for his love. However, control of the amulet’s energy comes with a price, and Kellen soon learns that Cali’s captor has plans for the stone. With the threat of the Star Catcher’s evil looming above Kellen and his kingdom, he’ll have to free the Heart of Faerie and break the curse the binds the Children of Danu to the darkness. But before that, he has to find his real father, the king. No pressure, right?

Kellen and Cali will battle bewitched armies and unknown foes as they fight to stay together. Will Kellen embrace his immortal destiny? Or will his world, and the man he is fated to become, be destroyed by The Star Catcher?

Thank you so much for inviting me for Romance Week! I am thrilled to be here, because Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. One of the questions I get asked a lot is why I decided to write romance. Let me tell you, it wasn’t a straight path.

When I wrote the first draft of The Star Child, I intended it to be a straight, YA Fantasy novel with a minor amount of romance. The only problem was that something was nagging me about it. It just didn’t feel as though I’d finished the story. Kellen and Cali’s romance was always there, but it wasn’t a central theme. I did eventually weave in Kellen and Calienta’s romance more completely into the book, however, it didn’t start out that way.

Throughout this process, I realized that I am a hopeless romantic. Why would I write anything that didn’t heavily feature that aspect in it? During the conception of The Fallen Stars, I knew that I wanted the romance to be front and center, so I approached it from an entirely different perspective. I also added another point of view—Cali’s. So readers got to view their romance from a girl’s point of view, which I loved. This approach continued with The Star Catcher and also into my follow-up Work In Progress.

Romance, however, is a big part of who I am and what I like to read most. If you read any of my work, I hope you’ll fall in love with Kellen and Cali’s romance—as I have. Happy Valentine’s Day!

This week only, grab The Star Child and The Fallen Stars for just $1.99!

CONTEST 1 - OPEN INTERNATIONAL - one ebook copy of The Star Catcher

CONTEST 2  - 1 Complete E-book Set of the Entire Star Child Series (INT)
& Multiple e-book Copies of The Star Catcher (INT)

About the Author:
Stephanie Keyes grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and spent years traveling and working as a Corporate Trainer before she made the decision to pen her first novel. As a teen, her family always accused her of having an “overactive imagination.” Now, she’s encouraged to keep her head in the clouds and share her world with readers.

Still a resident of the ‘Burgh, Steph is now Mom to two little boys who constantly keep her on her toes. In addition, she's best friend to her incredible rockstar of a husband. She is an active member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), as well as a featured author for Love a Happy Ending Lifestyle e-magazine.

Keyes is the author of the YA Fantasy series, The Star Child, which currently includes The Star Child, After Faerie, The Fallen Stars, and The Star Catcher, all from by Inkspell Publishing. Steph writes YA novels because she’s a hopeless romantic who lives to believe that Magick truly does exist. She is hard at work on a new YA novel.


  1. Thank you solo much Chrystal for having me back for romance week! I love your site. Plus, who doesn't need a little romance in their Valentine's Day! Thanks much!

  2. What a great pretty cover. :) Looking forward to reading it!


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