Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Review & Giveaway! To Dance With The Devil by Cat Adams

To Dance With The Devil (Blood Singer 6) by Cat Adams
Published: November 5, 2013
Publisher: Tor Books
Pages: 352
Received: from publisher for honest review

The successful urban fantasy series continues as Celia Graves—part human, part vampire, part Siren—faces black magic and heartbreak.

Celia Graves’s newest client is one of the last surviving members of a magical family that is trapped in a generations-old feud with other magic-workers. She’s supposed to die at the next full moon unless Celia can broker peace between the clans or break the curse before it can take effect.

For the first time in a long while, Celia’s personal life is looking up. Her vampire abilities seem to be under control, her Siren abilities have gotten more reliable, and even though her office was blown up, her services are more in demand than ever now that she's fought off terrorists and been part of the royal wedding of the year. Her friends all seem to be finding love and her grandmother has—finally—agreed to go to family therapy. The only trouble spot is Celia’s love life. Not long ago, she had two boyfriends.

Now she barely has one and she isn’t sure she wants him. But Bruno DeLuca is a powerful mage and Celia needs his help . . . especially after she's attacked and her client is kidnapped.

Yet another amazing chapter in Celia Graves' life. This time it involves a long standing blood feud, a major family crisis and a messed up love life.

Celia has risen into the ranks of my top five fave female characters - this is only my second Blood Singer Series book, but she has such bravery (or stupidity depending on how you look at it), confidence and she's also quite the combo of human/siren/vampire. She's also quite sassy when she wants to be and I find her humour to be spot on. 

This time around Celia is dealing with family therapy sessions to get her Gran and Mom talking again, while trying to figure out why her Mom blames her for horrible things from their past. Her sister, Ivy (the ghost), has a bit of a hand in helping them out with all of this. 

And on top of the family drama - she has major issues in regards to her latest client. The blood feud that her client is unknowingly a target for has been raging for many years and Celia's crew has to figure out how to keep her client safe and take out the bad guys. 

As one of the supporting characters says, "Nothing is ever easy with you, is it?" - in reference the biggest action scene in the book. Celia just seems to get into trouble from chapter to chapter - it's part of what makes her interesting.

To Dance With The Devil is filled with action packed scenes, emotionally charged moments and witty sarcasm. Mixed together, they create one great story.

Oh and again, I feel that you do not necessarily have to have read the previous books in the series, Cat Adams does a great job of filing in enough back story to enjoy the book. But I assume that reading the previous books would give you just a little more knowledge and understanding of the relationship building throughout the novel - it's not a much though.

I will be reading the rest of this series in time as I am really enjoying the few I've read so far. I cannot wait for the next book in the series.

 Thanks to the good people at TOR, I have an awesome giveaway today!

About the Author
CAT ADAMS is the author of the much-lauded Blood Singer series, Blood Song, Siren Song, Demon Song, and The Isis Collar. Adams is the joint pen name of C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp, who live deep in the heart of Texas. They are USA Today bestselling authors with their Sazi and Thrall series.


  1. I haven't read this series yet but I'm really intrigued now :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you liked my review and hope you get to read them soon.

  2. This is one of my top 5 UF series. Just wait--the next book is even better :)

    1. The next book is out already? Now I need to read books 1-4 and then 7? Love it.


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