Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chrystal's Book Blogging Bucket List

I found this fun little post a few weeks ago at Reading is My Treasure and decided to try my hand a book blogger bucket list. A traditional bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you "kick the bucket." 

  1. Read books that I am strongly drawn to.
  2. Stop saying yes to tours unless it's a book I'm dying to read.
  3. Set a limit of 3 book touring companies to stay signed up with.
  4. Set up a book budget.
  5. Weekly updates on my Reviews A-Z tab.
  6. Limit the number of challenges I sign up for.
  7. Use Google Calendar to get more organized.
  8. Learn SEO.
  9. Write more discussion posts.
  10. Keep side bar updated with current reads, contests, and tour buttons.
  11. Borrow more books from the library.
  12. Go through bookshelves, keep only the ones I love/am dying to read. Donate/giveaway the rest.
  13. Promote my Deserted Island feature more – authors and bloggers.
  14. Limit book requests and be pickier. I can't read ALL THE BOOKS.
  15. Finish reading series' that I am behind on.
  16. Keep the Canadian Book Event Calendar up to date (weekly)

I am sure that I will add to this list as I find more things I'd like to accomplish, but right now this is the list I need to concentrate on. It's almost like the New Year's Resolution posts that I do once a year, but this time it's early and an ongoing list to work on. 

What would you put on your book blogging bucket list?


  1. Great list! I couldn't survive without my Google Calendar to stay organized.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm just really getting into organizing using Google Calendar. I used to use an excel sheet, but this is so much smarter.


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