Friday, March 22, 2013

Bloggiesta! 2013

It's Bloggiesta time! It's lead by mascot PEDRO (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize.) and was created several years ago by Natasha from Maw Books Blog and is now co-hosted by Suey and Danielle. (Thanks ladies!) This will be my second time catching this amazingly organized event. Bloggiesta is where we take the time to catch up on behind the scenes bloggy items that we tend to get behind on or need time to update/change. I'm trying to have a relaxing weekend, so not sure how many mini challenges I will get to, but I'd like to try a few this weekend. And I'd also like to try accomplishing the following:

-update my "Reviews A-Z" tab on my blog
-cross post my reviews from the last few months
-create new images for my posts and update ALL posts to match
-update my "where to find me" section (icons from Pure Imagination)
-schedule at least three book reviews
-schedule April and May Personal Reading Challenge posts
-update my Canadian Book Events calendar
-fix my tags
-meet new bloggers (commenting on posts, twitter chat, etc)
-Google Reader/Feedly?Bloglovin?!? - I've missed a lot during hiatus
-participate in at least three mini-challenges 
(Declutter Your Sidebar, Feed Readers, Book Depository Affiliation)
-update blog roll/fave blogs section
-update my I'm Quoted tab
-updated my Pinterest page by adding a 1001 Books To Read Before You Die (That I've Read)

Hmmm I just put more on here then I think I can handle... well here goes nothing. ;)

I managed to get a lot done considering I thought I'd get only a bit done. I'm still going to work on the things not crossed off. Thanks again for a great Bloggiesta!


  1. Chrystal love your blog design :D Fantastic goals, all the best and hope you get through them all!

    New Follower!

    My Bloggiesta Goals

    Have a great Bloggigesta weekend!

    1. Aww thanks Angelica! I'm off to check our your goals next. :)

  2. Did you figure out what reader you are using? I love Bloglovin!

    Good luck with all of your goals!

    Here is my Bloggiesta To Do List!

    1. I am using Bloglovin! It's awesome! :) Off to check out your post.

  3. I love the look of your blog, the colors are great :) Good luck with your list and happy Bloggiesta!

    1. Thanks Jennifer. :) Happy Bloggiesta to you too!

  4. My vote is for BlogLovin'! Good luck on the rest of your tasks, but it looks like you are pretty much caught up! I hope you check out my Bloggiesta To Do List or join my mini-challenge about getting involved!

    1. I am loving BlogLovin'! :) And I did check out your mini-challenge... it's a great idea!

  5. Looks like a productive weekend for you! I tend to make short lists so I feel I'm accomplishing; then I add to the list as I see ideas when I visit others.


    1. Thanks Laurel-Rain! I take ideas from others lists too as I go through I started with a smaller list and added to it as I saw interesting things to try. :)

  6. You got a lot done. I really like the font in your header btw it's super cute.

    1. Aww thanks. It was a cute font in a free program I used to make it - can't remember the name though.

  7. Wow, congrats on getting so much done -- I know that must feel good! I'm still working on my last task, trying to visit every blog that participated in Bloggiesta! I'm following you on various networks now and I grabbed your button to add to my blogroll page :-)

    Here is my Bloggiesta To-Do List.

    1. Thanks Melissa. :) I didn't make it through all of the blogs yet, but I plan to go through the list this week since I ran out of time. Cheers!

  8. I love your sidebar! It's so clean looking! I really need to work on mine! It's fantastic you got so much done this weekend! I hope you still had a relaxing weekend! I didn't get anything else done today...I was out most of the day, then I had stuff to do around the house. I hope to finish over the next few weeks! :)

    1. Why thank you. I'm always worried that it has too much on it, but I think it looks organized at least. :) I did a lot this weekend besides Bloggiesta and I'm not sure how I accomplished it - visits with family, nieces hockey game, craft fair and cleaning. I think I spent every waking hour completely busy. LOL

      Good luck with your list. I still have more that wasn't on my list that I'd like to accomplish soon.

  9. Wow, well done on getting so much completed over the weekend! I'm definitely aiming on finishing the rest of my list in the near future, otherwise I'll just put it off until the next Bloggiesta, haha!

    1. Not a bad idea. I love these Bloggiesta challenges - so fun and it gets you motivated! :)

  10. Good job on completing almost all of those goals! I'm still trying to make it around to everyone and see what their goals were. That was one of my goals. As you can see, I'm not finished yet. :)

    My Bloggiesta

    1. I want to do the same and am picking away at it this week. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I'm finally getting around to visiting the Bloggiesta finish line posts. Great job tackling your to do lists. I love your blog design and am following you on Bloglovin, facebook and twitter. Nice to meet ya!

    1. Hi Tanya! Thanks for coming by. I'm on vacation next week and I plan to do that same thing about tackling the rest of the list to check out everyone's posts. :) off to check out yours now.

  12. It looks like it was a successful weekend, you definitely got a lot done! I'm still working a few things that I had listed as well. Like everyone else that posted, I really love your layout and banner, lol. It's very cute.

    1. Awww thanks Michelle. :) I think I may have created a new list of things I'd like to do after visiting all of the Finish Line Posts. ;) Thanks for stopping by!


I read every comment and try to reply to them all. Thanks for visiting my little piece of the blogosphere.

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