Friday, February 1, 2013

Personal Reading Challenge: February 2013

This is my Personal Reading Challenge where I have vowed to read for my own pleasure. I plan to read one YA title, one Classic, one Fiction, one Non-Fiction, one book from the 1001 Book To Read Before You Die list, and listen one audiobook each month. At the start of each month I will post my choices for each category and link up to the reviews for each as I go. This will help me get through my large TBR pile, allow me to be accountable somewhere and keep me on target. 

So here are February's picks!

YA - The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer
Classic - 1984 by George Orwell
Fiction - 419 by Will Ferguson
Non-Fiction - The Wishing Year by Noel Oxenhandler
1001 - Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Audiobook - Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Do you have any suggestions for my lists for future months or books that I MUST read? Leave a  comment.  


  1. A tree Grows in Brooklyn and The Woman in White we're two classics I really liked that are on the 1001 books list

  2. With choices like that you should easily meet your goal.

    1. Too bad I haven't read any of the FEB list and only half of the JAN list. That's what moving does to a person. LOL Hopefully March will be better and I can catch up. Oh maybe I just might finally have internet again. :)


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