Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2013

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week they will post a new fun Top Ten list topic so we can all get to know one another.

Well I already sort of wrote a post with my goals for 2013, but I don't think it was TEN items. So here goes:

1) Complete my own personal reading challenge: each month read one YA book, one fiction book, one classic, listen to an audiobook and finally read one book from the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die list.

2) Post monthly wrap up posts. I love reading these, especially the ones that highlight fun and interesting posts and reviews. 

3) Comment more often on other blogs. I tend to be a lurker - checking out posts, but failing to comment often enough. My goal is to comment on at least 50% of the posts I look at.

4) Write more discussion style posts. QUALITY NOT QUANTITY.

5) Read books from my already gigantic TBR pile or borrow from the library. This will allow me to save money, get caught up on that large pile of books and still read new titles.

6) Look at a blog redesign? I love the colours, but there are some elements I'd like to update and make more bookish themed?

7) Follow my personal commandments (see sidebar) - both in my bookish life and my personal life.

8) Participate in less blog tours. I took on too much last year and was overwhelmed with review books. Not this year. I need less stress in my life.  

9) Organize my Goodreads lists. Cross post my reviews to Goodreads, Amazon, Chapters, etc. Update my Reviews A-Z list.

10) Broaden my reading horizons. Get back to my eclectic taste since 2012 seemed to be filled with YA. I need to get back into reading anything that tickles my fancy, hence my personal reading challenge. Don't get stuck in a genre rut.

What do you think of my goals? What are your goals for 2013? (leave links in the comments and I will check them out)


  1. I have been picking away at the 1001 books too, but I have been terrible at it! I hope you do better! Good luck :) My Tuesday List

    1. I think over the years I've read 16 books on the 1001 list. It's not much of a dent. LOL

      Good luck to you too on the list.

  2. Enjoyed reading about your goals for this year. Your personal reading challenge is a great idea. Good luck.
    my list.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. :) Off to check out your list.

  3. Great list! I'm noticing a few people who have similar goals as well as a few that I should have included on mine (cross posting, for example). Good luck with everything :)

    1. Hi Kaley! Thanks for checking out my list. Off to check out your list.

  4. Awesome goals, Chrystal! I had a little giggle over #5 since I know you bought 13 books yesterday lol. ;-) A lot of people (myself included) have been talking about branching out with reading this year. I used to read a ton of adult books and I miss them. Even though I love YA and the majority of the books I really will still probably BE YA, I want to get back to a few of my favourite authors and series. Good luck! :-)

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. #5 went out the window quickly LOL but I did write this post before I went to the store so it was in good faith that I wouldn't sabotage myself. At least they were relatively cheap - I think it was about $12 for them all because I bought them at thrift store and library sale. :) YAY!

      Hope your goals for the new year work out for you. I am hoping to stick to mine as much as possible. ;)

  5. I really want to comment on other blogs as well. And having more discussion posts sounds like a lot of fun! Good luck on all of your goals :)

    Here's my Top Ten!

  6. love your goals.. i too want to add some of these now to my own list:) mine is here

    1. Thanks! I'll come check out your post too.. perhaps you will have some ideas that I would like to incorporate too!


I read every comment and try to reply to them all. Thanks for visiting my little piece of the blogosphere.

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