Sunday, January 27, 2013

Be back soon...

So you may have noticed a lack of reviews lately. I haven't felt like writing reviews much, though I do have a quite a few that I need to write up soon. Partly it was because I was still dealing with the emotions of losing my mother in December, part of it was all the time I've spent back home helping my father out with so much and the other part is the fact the I moved this weekend. I needed to get packed, organized and such. I still do not have internet at the new house, but hopefully that will be remedied shortly. 

Once I am back into the swing of things you will see a flurry of reviews and also be on the lookout for Romance Week that is coming up February 10-16th! It's the third year the my BFF, Aislynn (from Stitch Read Cook) and I have hosted it.



  1. Good luck on your move, Chrys! My move has been delayed. Can't wait for you to settle! Looking forward to your return.

    1. Thanks Chrys! ;) When do you finally get to move? I should be back next week sometime - just working on getting the internet setup.


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