Monday, January 14, 2013

2012 Challenges Recap

This is where I will post my recaps for the challenges I am participating in. 

*Complete the 2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge where I signed up to read 21-30 books from my gianormous TBR pile. (See below for update on this challenge)
*Host the 2nd Annual Romance Week in February with my BFF Aislynn (Stitch -  Read - Cook)
*Work on starting up my new feature - Deserted Island. Starts in January!
*Read 3 Julia Quinn novels for the Julia Quinn Reading Challenge (see below for that update)
*Finish the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton (Skin Trade, Flirt, Bullet and Hit List)
*Read the Maggie O'Dell sereis by Alex Kava (nine books in this series)
*Read 10 zombie books!
*I'm in love with my Sony Pocket Reader and hope to read at least 20 e-books in 2012.
*Read 100 books in 2012 (I fell extremely short in 2011, but a lot happened this year). (see my Goodreads updated in sidebar) I was shy by about 5 books or so. :(

I signed up to read 21-30 books for this one. (Any genre, length or format of book counts, as long as it is a book that's been sitting on your shelf for some time now. Only books released in 2011 and earlier! NO ARCs and 2012 fresh-off-the-press releases allowed!)

Here is where I am at:
-Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler
-Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
-Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption by J.L. Murphey

I have a goal to read three Julia Quinn novels, but I have yet to start any. I do own two that I can do for this challenge. Guess I should sneak these in soon. :)
1) Just Like Heaven

Well this one crosses over with my New Year's Challenge above. Who knew that I made that goal? Guess I should be updating this challenge page a little more often. LOL I'm going with 6 for this challenge (but up above I stated I'd try to read 10 zombie books, so we will see if I get that far).

1) Solstice: A Novel of the Zombie Apocalypse by Donna Burgess
2) This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers
3) Deadlocked by AR Wise
4) Dead is a Battlefield by Marlene Perez
5) Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption by J.L. Murphey
6) Zombies vs. Unicorns edited by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier (review to come)
7) I've Been Deader by Adam Sifre
8) Guardian of the Moon Pendant by Laura J. Williams (contains some zombie-like characters)
9) Deadlocked #2 by A.R. Wise
10) Detention of the Living Dead by  Rusty Fischer

1) This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers
2) The Chaos by Nalo Hopkinson (posted late because realized BLOGGER didn't auto post like requested)
3) Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery

Clean up that big pile of books this August and join the Review Copy Cleanup 

1) Heirs of Prophecy by Michael A. Rothman
2) Dead is a Battlefield by Marlene Perez
3) God Save The Queen by Kate Locke
4) Loss by Jackie Morse Kessler
5) Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption by J.L. Murphey


  1. As I read you notes above I realized you didn't finish the Anita Blake series. Well, neither have I and I love the books.

    Don't feel bad. I'm still going to read them I just don't know when . . . but I will.

    Just saying. :-)

    1. I am still going to read them too. And there is even one more to add to the list that came out this year. I really enjoyed Flirt so I can't wait to get to the rest.

      Good luck finishing them too!


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