Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ontario Library Questionnaire Results

Okay I attempted to gather information from my local Ontario Book Bloggers in regards to why they love their local libraries, whether they use all of the available services at their library, how often they frequent them, etc. So here are the results that I was able to obtain - 16 people participated in this questionnaire.

1. Do you use your local library?
All but one person uses their local library. So 99% is pretty freaking awesome!

2. How often do you use your local library?

3. What format do you prefer to take your books out?
I made this one so that you could check all that apply:
Hardcover/paperback - 14 people chose this one
Audiobook - 4 people borrow audiobooks
E-books - 6 people borrow e-books from their library

4. Other than taking out books, what other reasons do you visit your library?
In order, the most popular reasons besides borrowing books, were:
-check out CDs, DVDs, etc
-for research
-book sales
-meeting place/study group

5. What do you like most about your library?
-friendly staff, available resources, selection of books, number of branches 

"The availability of the books I want to read, and the fact that they'll purchase books if you request them. I also appreciate all the community services they have, even if I don't use them."

"I like that there are multiple branches in the city I currently live in and you can use any of them if you have a card. They have a great "what's new" newsletter and tons of courses/classes to take part in."

6. Do you have ideas on how to encourage people use their local library more often? 
"I think it's about promoting all the different services. If you're not a reader you can still check out movies. Or maybe you want help with job research, or want to send your child to a low cost event with crafts and games. There is so much more to the library than just books, and I don't think most people realize that."

"More events - family friendly, evening for adults, seniors. Fundraising events (the library in my hometown, where I worked during high school, does a garden tour, huge used book sale, and just recently they did a literary food competition) along with other events will get people in the doors. Establish great kids programs and have them grow up using the library services. Highlighting the other resources is key as well - audio and ebooks, research capabilities, magazines, dvds, cds, etc."

7.  Does your local library hold special events, book signings, etc?
8. Is there more than one branch of your library in your town? How many?

9. Are the staff helpful? Leave a comment with a good or bad experience you've had.
Many people had nice things to say about their local library, a few didn't have comments and one is not having such a great time with their local library. 

"The staff at our library is great.  Always friendly and willing to help out."

"Not any more. Since the switch in focus to a more electronic environment there has been a huge decrease in customer service. They wont check you out, they force you to use the electronic self check out, they are understaffed (sometimes with only a librarian assistant and no librarian), and those who are staffed don't connect with with the community. If you ask them a question you get the bare minimum. With a system this size, there is no excuse for poor service. I've lived in three towns, and experienced three different library systems, for some reason ours just seems to have lost it's way."

10.  Do you use the website for your local library?
100% answered YES!

11. Other comments:
"Over the years I've used public libraries to do schoolwork because of the free wifi. It's a good quiet to work in - quieter than a coffeeshop but louder than a university library (could be too quiet there sometimes!)"

"It's one of my happy places."

"I take my 2 year old son to story time at the library once a week and he loves it.  They have tons of stuff for kids which is great."

Overall I think it's safe to say that many book bloggers still use their local library often. I hope this trend continues as I adore the library and all it has to offer. It's one of my city's greatest resources. 

My local library has some of the most amazing things to offer and I will be writing up a post all about my local Kingston Frontenac Public Library later this week.


  1. I'm glad that people do use the library and know what it has to offer. I'd be curious to hear from people who don't use the library, and what their reasons are.

    1. There was only one person who really didn't use the library, but they didn't leave a lot of comments. It totally would have been interesting to see their answers. ;)


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