Monday, October 15, 2012

Interview with Misbehavin` Librarian for Ontario Public Library Week

Now I`m not sure how many of you may have met Jennifer from Misbehavin` Librarian before she moved to another province, but I want to say that she was one of the most wonderful people to meet in person. My lucky chance to meet Jennifer was at a Kathy Reichs book signing last year. She came in with bone shaped cookies to share with the event co-ordinators and Kathy Reichs herself. I will never forget her enthusiasm for meeting fellow book bloggers and amazing authors. So I knew right away that I wanted to interview her for my Ontario Public Libary Week event.

So here we go with the nitty gritty questions and some fun ones thrown in too:

What is your current position at the library and what do you like about it the most?
I recently moved to Calgary from Toronto so I had to leave a position I loved at Humber College. I was the periodicals technician. It was a great place to work as I got to spend a lot of my time at the Reference Desk helping students with their assignments & teaching them useful research techniques. As there weren’t any library technician jobs available in my area of Calgary, I am currently working as a Library Assistant at an independent Catholic College/University. I am very overqualified for the position but at least it keeps me in the library field and it’s a smaller library so you really get to know the students and the faculty really well. Plus they hired me and I am not even Catholic.

What is a typical day at work like for you? (A Day In The Life Of...)
At Humber everyday brought something new – so I was never bored. Most days consisted of working on the reference day for a couple of shifts helping students learn how to use our resources and on many occasions just helping them to figure out what their assignments were actually about. When I wasn’t on the desk I was in charge of taking care of our periodicals department. Basically I ordered, processed and maintained all of our magazine (periodical) purchases. Due to a lack of staff I also was in charge of processing the huge amount of donations we received. Staff, Faculty and students would drop off books they didn’t want or need anymore and I would than figure out which ones we could use in the collection or which ones we would discard. During the summer I also helped out with interlibrary loan services while the technician in charge of that department was on holidays. In the position I am now I just do little tasks to help out the Librarians. Typical day to day stuff would include managing the fines list, checking In/Out books, shelving materials & repairing damaged books. It’s really not exciting but hey my coworkers are nice and I am least helping people.

When did your love of books begin?
My parents were huge readers so they just installed in me the love of a good story. My parents always read to me & my Dad even made up his own stories. As I was a rather shy kid at the time books also helped me feel like I was never alone.

What made you decide to become a book blogger? Was it because of your career or just due to your love of books?
A couple of things started me on the road to book blogging. The first was during my time at the Humber College Library. The library staff was being trained on all of the new social media in order to understand our students and their needs a little better. We were all encouraged to start a blog about something we were passionate about. As I am very passionate about reading I thought what the hell maybe I will just tell people about the book I am reading and why I liked it. Than at the Ontario Library Association Conference I approached all of the publishers told them what I was doing and they added me to their list of potential bloggers & bingo I am now an official book blogger.
What has been your favourite moment as a library tech? As a book blogger?
Wow for library tech I cannot think of just one moment. But every time a student tells me thanks that I have really helped them with something – those are my favorite moments. As a book blogger – hands down the best thing is all the wonderful fellow book nerds I have met. Its nice to find people who are passionate about reading as I am. Oh yeah and going to BEA in New York and meeting Dav Pilkey (aka Captain Underpants)

Do you have any advice for those out there looking to become a library tech/librarian?
I am the worst person to give advice – but only thing I can think of is learn everything you can about computers, software programs, printers, photocopiers & staplers (don’t even get me started on stapler issues) you wouldn’t believe how many technology issue related questions we get at the reference desk! Trust me if you can fix paper jams, staplers & know how to use a scanner – you will be an invaluable asset.

Speed Round:

Fave book event you've attended?
BEA (Book Expo America)

Fave genre in YA?

Fave genre in adult?
Anything as long as it is hopeful and has humour

Hardcover vs. Paperback vs. Ebook?

Cookies or cake?

Coffee or tea?
Wine – LOL ok, Coffee

You can find Jennifer around the web at the following places:
Book Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Librarything

Married Mom of 2 wonderful but unruly boys. A Library Technician at a college with a serious addiction to books. A geeky tv loving optimist with a dry twisted sense of humour and a big heart.


  1. What a great feature this week. I was lucky enough to get to meet and speak briefly with Jennifer at BEA this past year and she was awesome.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Cindy! I hope you will check out the entire week. :) And Jen is really fun!

  2. Yay Jen! I roomed with her at BEA and she was awesome! Plus she has a simple yet fun way of doing her reviews.


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