Sunday, March 4, 2012

IMM (76) & My Reading Pile (3)

IMM (In My Mailbox) is hosted by the amazing Kristi - The Story Siren!



Free via Sony Reader Store for my Sony Pocket Reader
Sometimes I come across the best books that are on special! :)

from Kira Saito (for honest review)

Thank you Harlequin Teen (via NetGalley)!


The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers Swag Giveaway on Book Sp(l)ot Reviews  

What did you get in your mailbox?

 My Reading Pile is a feature over at fiktshun. This is where I will post my intended reads for the week.

I had planned to read:
A Brush of Darkness by Allison Pang
A Sliver of Shadow by Allison Pang
Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor

I am not adding any new books to my reading pile this week as I really need to get to the two Allison Pang books for a blog tour. So that is my goal this coming week... to start and finish the two books in the series.
What is in your reading pile this week?


  1. These look like awesome reads - hope you enjoy them all!

  2. Great set! I'm curious about The Ivy. I can't wait to read Goddess Interrupted.
    My IMM

    1. I picked up The Ivy for $2 at Chapters! :) It sounds good. And I can't wait to dive into Goddess Interrupted. :)

  3. There are some awesome books in your haul this week. I am glad you finished Daughter or Smoke and Bone, I am curious to see what you thought about it. Good luck with your reading goals!

    1. I LOVED Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Review is coming this week - though I can't do it justice because it is THAT amazing. :)

  4. Great IMM! I grabbed Evernight for free as well - can't pass up free! I haven't read the Goddess books yet; may need to add those to my GR wishlist so I can remember to get them from the library. New follower; feel free to stop by my IMM:

    1. Laura - thanks for following. I am looking forward to Evernight and I like snatching up freebies here and there. :) I enjoyed The Goddess Test and my review will be up this week.

      Oh by the way... I'm having a 500 Follower Giveaway... you should go enter. :) And thanks again for getting me that much closer to my 500 follower goal, I'm only 10 away! Once I reach 500 I will be adding a second winner to the giveaway so feel free to spread the word.

  5. What a nice looking haul! I will have to look some of these boos up, they sound good!

    Thanks for sharing!


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