Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Guest Post with MM Shelley & Giveaway

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The Zombie Story
By M.M. Shelley

The Zombie Story is the first novella in a young adult series.

Unfolding on the streets of Los Angeles is a new breed of monster... 
Orlando, fresh from the mid west, arrives at his new high school on his Harley Davidson.
All he wants is to make it through the day, and begin his training as a Zombie Hunter. 
But someone has different plans for him.

Dead Relatives -  Book 2

After discovering what was hidden in Mexico and having to sneak back across the border Orlando returns to Los Angeles, but is unable to return to his home.
Instead of hunting Zombies he is now hunted.
Betrayed by those he thought he could trust, Orlando must keep the truth of what he knows to himself.
That is until dead relatives return with dire warnings.

Thank you M.M Shelley for stopping by today to share a little insight to one of my favourite characters - Elodie! 


Hi Everyone! I’m M.M. Shelley and I’d like to give a BIG thanks to Chrystal for having me on her blog today so that I can share my novellas:
The Zombie Story & Dead Relatives
They are about Magick and Zombies, a little different take on the Zombie genre and follows the adventures of Orlando as he arrives in a new city.

Elodie Juarez is a free spirit, she does what she wants without worrying about how it might look to others; yet she is all heart. She is Ruben’s younger sister. Their parents died, leaving them orphans and alone.

Elodie is well aware of the sacrifices her brother has made in order to keep them together. Although she has made her own sacrifices; she internalizes everything in order to keep things from her brother. She is a genius with numbers and knows how to handle herself with a computer.

She has the habit of following her brother when she wants to know what he is really up to and it’s how she learns that Ruben has become involved with underground fighting in order to make money. She has done her part selling essays online and assisting the occasional customer in need of her computer expertise for a little extra cash.

She sees Orlando as a kindred spirit and takes it upon herself to help him with what she can while simultaneously keeping the peace between Orlando and Ruben who are always challenging each other.

Elodie is considered a misfit at school, but that doesn’t bother her. She knows that without her help and skills many of her classmates would meet a tragic death at the hands of those who are using outcast and lost souls for experiments which in turn are creating zombies and other creatures of the night.

Thanks again to Chrystal for hosting this stop on my tour! You can find me over at my blog;  or on twitter @MM_Shelley I would also like to let everyone in the Los Angeles area know that on March 31st Mysterious Galaxy bookstore will be hosting an event for the Greater Los Angeles Writers Society, myself and 9 other writers will be there!
Author MM Shelley is having a giveaway during this blog tour and you can enter right here on my blog via the rafflecopter below - MM Shelley is giving away 1 Kindle touch tour wide!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the author:
M.M. Shelley is a storyteller, word smith and dreamer. MISHAP AND MAYHEM, a captivating story of faerie's and magic, is her debut novel. She has traveled the world extensively in search of the magic which is often overlooked in every day life. M.M. Shelley is a native of southern California, and a student of mythology from which she gets much inspiration.


  1. These books sound great! I'm on a zombie kick right now :) When does the giveaway start?

    1. Sorry, it's on now. I updated the post so the rafflecopter form works now.

  2. yeah i'm all about the zombies too : ) this is the first i've heard about these books, but i definitely am going to have to read them now!


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