Monday, December 5, 2011

Review: The Dig (Zoe and Zeus Trilogy) by Audrey Hart

The Dig (Zoe and Zeus Trilogy) by Audrey Hart
Publisher: Backlit Fiction
Published: November 11, 2011
Pages: 208
Received: from author for honest review
BUY NOW: Amazon 

Zoe Calder has always been an outsider. Stashed away in boarding schools since her parents died, Zoe buries herself in the study of ancient worlds. Her greatest thrill is spending her summers with her archaeologist aunt and uncle on digs around the world. And one day, while investigating a newly unearthed temple in Crete, Zoe discovers a luminous artifact that transports her to ancient Greece.

As Zoe quickly learns, the Olympian Gods are real, living people—humans with mysterious powers… Powers that Zoe quickly realizes she has come to possess, as well. However, when the people of ancient Greece mistake Zoe for an Olympian, the Gods must restore the balance of the ancient world… No matter what.

Zoe is forced to play a confusing and dangerous game as Hera rallies the gods against her—all except for Zeus, the beautiful, winged young god who risks everything to save her.

Out of time and out of her element, teenager Zoe Calder finds herself in ancient Greece, battling against the power of the Olympians and the vengeance of a scorned goddess—all for the strange and mysterious boy she has come to love.
LOOK AT THE GORGEOUS COVER! I died a little when I saw the cover for The Dig. It's just so freaking pretty.

Greek mythology is a topic that I am finding more and more intriguing and The Dig by Audrey Hart will make your imagination run wild with images of the Olympus, the Gods and other mythological creatures. Ms. Hart brings the Gods to life in a way that was most unexpected - as teenagers! I loved the change and found it comical to see these worshiped deities in all their glory, yet acting like cliquey teens. Zoe's assessment of the Gods and Goddesses when she meets them is so hysterical, she thinks of them all as teens from high school groups/cliques - the prankster, the queen bee,  the jock, the hippie, etc.

Zoe, our heroine, is not your typical teenager. She spends her summers with her Aunt and Uncle on digs, doing archaeological work with them. She has seen some of the most outstanding discoveries and yearns for more, but how much more should she have wished for? 

I loved following Zoe through her time travel back to ancient Greece. As she tries to piece together exactly what has happened to her, we see her come into her own. Along the way Zoe realizes that even though she isn't your typical teenager, she learns that who she has always been is who she is meant to be. She has insecurities just like her friends, but finds the strength to overcome some of them.

The relationship between Zoe and Zeus is like watching the perfect teenage romance unfold. Zoe goes through the typical phases: the love at first sight phase, the is he my boyfriend or just a friend that's a boy? stage, and finally the OMG this is really happening phase, all while trying to remain the calm and practical girl that she's always been. Watching them enjoy their time together, defeat conflict and still have the butterfly feeling in the end is priceless. I am really looking forward to watching what happens with Zoe and Zeus in the next installment of the trilogy.

OVERALL: A fast paced adventure, a cute romance and mythology come to life!

Where to find Audrey Hart:


  1. I wish I would have had time to review this one!!! It sounds sooo amazing!!

  2. I really enjoyed this one. I'm glad the author contacted me. Though I am needing a zombie fix soon. ;)


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