Monday, December 12, 2011

Interview with P.T. Michelle author of Brightest Kind of Darkness

I am so excited to have P.T. Michelle here on the blog today for an interview about her latest book Brightest Kind of Darkness! Anyone who has been reading my blog, my facebook or my twitter knows that I absolutely loved reading this story and am looking forward to the rest of the series. You can find my review here. I would love to thank P.T. Michelle for taking time out of her busy schedule to be here today!

1. How did the story of Nara and Ethan come to be?
Stories usually come to me in "What if" formats. What if...I could see my entire next day?  Once that idea took hold, I had to develop characters around it. I knew a story with that premise would take very special people to fill those roles, so my characterization is just as important to me as my world building and plotting. :)

2. If you had to choose one character from Brightest Kind of Darkness to be your friend back in high school, who would you pick and why?
It's a toss up between Ethan and Nara. They each have great qualities I like in a best friend: loyal, protective, "there for you". Having a best friend who truly has your back is so important while you're navigating through the social chaos of school.

3. I've read that ravens can symbolize death and ill omens, yet I also read that ravens are intelligent birds and that in Norse legends they represented the power of thought. Are there specific myths or legend that helped to inspire your use of ravens?
Ah, you're the first person who's asked about the RAVENS in BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS. Actually I've pulled from many different legends to create what will hopefully be seen as a unique mythology built around traditional lore.

4. Describe your novel in 140 characters or less. (Twitter-syle)
BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS is a dark paranormal YA, full of mystery and adventure, some horror, and a deeply connected romance.

5. Who are your biggest influences for writing?
I'd have to say Madeleine L'Engle. Her books are some of the very first ones that not only got me hooked on reading, but they also revealed the wonderful possibility of magic, paranormal and fantasy in stories!

Now a few quick ones:
Sun or moon
Psychic or telekinesis
Chocolate or vanilla
Dark Chocolate
Ebook or printed book
Depends. I love eBooks, but sometimes I like to read "old-school". (Did you EVER think we'd be saying that? LOL!)
Cat or dog
Shapeshifter or vampire
Hard! Um, if I had to choose one...shapeshifter.

Thanks so much for the fun interview, Chrystal!
P.T. Michelle

PS - to see what people are saying about the amazing story click here!

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