Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists and they would love to share their lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Each week there is a new Top Ten list and a spot to link up your lists and visit others.
1. Wither and Fever by Lauren DeStefano - I just received an surprise ARC of Fever and Wither has been on my shelf for some time, so I plan to read them back to back this winter.
2. Looking for Alaska by John Green - I have yet to read a John Green book and I've been told this is the one to start with. This was actually a RAK gift from Brenna.
3. Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler - this is an ARC that I requested from the publisher for review. It looks so freaking good - I can't wait to read it.
4. Zombies Don't Cry and Vamplayers by Rusty Fischer - I bought the ebook of ZDC a while ago and then just received a copy of Vamplayers for review. I'm pretty excited to read both. I've heard great things about this author (especially from The Bookish Brunette).
5. The Wishing Year by Noelle Oxenhandler - I've seen this book mentioned in a few places and can't wait to read it, especially after having read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I'm trying to figure out some things in my life and these books seem to be geared toward what I'm wanting to learn about myself.
6. The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan - this book is on my wishlist. I've read the previous books in the trilogy, but for some reason have not picked this one up yet. I am hoping to buy a copy in paperback to match the ones I already own, but I am thinking I actually NEED to go borrow this from the library to read.
7. Bound by Kira Saito - this ebook is for a book tour that I'm participating in. The cover is absolutely lovely and I'm excited to read this very soon. I love paranormal romances.
8. The Wedding Gift by Kathleen McKenna - this book was a surprise in the mail as well (not even sure how I received it actually), but it looks amazing and I'm hoping to read this over my Christmas break.
9. Static by Tawny Stokes - another blog tour book that I need to read soon. I love the basis of this book - rock stars, groupies and demons!
10. Skin Trade by Laurell K. Hamilton - this book is to indulge me in my need to read adult paranormal books... and this series has a lot of ADULT content.
I know this is really 12 books, but I can't read one and not the other for some of these. :)
Oooh you got some GREAT title on your TBR chick! Hope you enjoy them!!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I actually have one on the list that your had for your Zombie Craze :)
ReplyDeleteI've read Wither and I loved it!!! So much. Looking for Alaska I liked more after I read it and thought about- at the time it wasn't my favourite. Good luck with your winter reading~