Thursday, March 22, 2012

Deserted Island: Author Vicky Dreiling (and GIVEAWAY)

Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see what your fave authors and bloggers would pick. 

This week historical romance author Vicky Dreiling is stopping by to tell us all about her Deserted Island party - I think you will all be excited with her choices of items to bring with her. Oh and don't forget to check out the bottom of this post for a giveaway!

Authors Gone Wild on Gilligan’s Island Retreat
By Vicky Dreiling

What five books and five items would you want to have with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

Well, before we get to the books, I have to do some advance preparation. I’ll invite some writer friends to cruise with me on my imaginary yacht. We’ll stow away supplies such as rum for our coconut drinks and Hunky Cabana Boys to serve them! That reminds me, I’d better add comfy loungers, suntan lotion, and giant umbrellas to the list. We’ll need a hibachi for the fajitas, too. Doesn’t this sound like a great party? I also better bring some spiral notebooks and pens – more about that in a few.

The five books I would bring along to the Authors Gone Wild on Gilligan’s Island Retreat are … Drumroll:

1. Mr. Impossible by Loretta Chase. I laughed so hard while reading this book. What a great premise: A brainy lady needs a brawny man to help her locate her missing brother in Egypt. The best part of this book is the hero, Rupert. He pretended to be an idiot, but of course, the reader guesses early on that he’s much smarter than he looks. There was one scene where he stares up at a pyramid and says, “It’s big.” I cracked up so much. I highly recommend this one and another by Ms. Chase (see #2).

2. Lord Perfect. Benedict Carsington, Viscount Rathbourne, is the Earl of Hargate’s heir. Benedict has always followed all of the rules, which explains his perfection. Everything in his life is orderly and well-planned, until the notorious Bathesheba Wingate from a rotten branch of her family enters his life. The road to adventure trope in this book is absolutely hilarious and heartwarming. I’ve read both Mr. Impossible and Lord Perfect more than once.

3. Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean. I absolutely loved the conceit of the 9 rules, and I adored Callie, the heroine. Sarah MacLean is a master at creating believable and sympathetic characters.

4. The Rules of Gentility by Janet Mullany. This book contains numerous spoofs of Regency England, but at the same time, the hero and heroine are completely loveable and realistic underneath the zany comedy.

5. Slightly Scandalous by Mary Balogh. It’s tough to choose only one of Mary’s books, but this one is my favorite. Part of the reason is that Joshua, the hero, is such a charmer, and I’m a total sucker for those guys. Also, I really adored the way Balogh gradually peeled back the layers of Freyja, so that we caught glimpses of her vulnerability. A truly superb book!

So those are my five book choices. I figure we can share books on the island, but eventually we’ll start yearning for something new. Remember the pens and spiral notebooks I’m planning to stow away? My writer friends and I will have to stop partying long enough to write something good to read. Wow! Our editors and agents will be so impressed with our production of pages, they’ll never let us return to civilization.

Now to wind down this crazy fantasy, here is the first episode of Gilligan’s Island!

Bio: Vicky Dreiling is a confirmed historical romance junkie and Anglophile. Frequent business trips to the UK allowed her to indulge her passion for all things Regency England. Bath, Stonehenge, and Spencer House are among her favorite places. She is, however, truly sorry for accidentally setting off a security alarm in Windsor Castle. That unfortunate incident led her British colleagues to nickname her “Trouble.” When she’s not writing, Vicky enjoys reading, films, concerts, and most of all, long lunches with friends. A native Texan, she holds degrees in English literature and marketing.

How to Ravish a Rake
(April 1, 2012)

Amy Hardwick has one last Season to shake off her wallflower image and make a love match. If she can’t, she’ll set aside her dreams of romance and return home to a suitor who can provide security—if little else. What she doesn’t count on is the inappropriate—and irresistible—attention lavished on her in a darkened library by rake extraordinaire Will “The Devil” Darcett . . .
When Will is caught in a tryst with the ton's shyest miss, he knows he must offer for her hand. Yet Amy is not the shrinking violet she seems to be. Passion lies beneath her prim exterior and Will is eager to release it. But winning Amy isn’t simply a matter of seduction; first, Will must convince her that he’s mended his wicked ways . . .

To learn more about Vicky and her books, visit her website:

Vicky is giving away one copy of How to Ravish a Rake to one commenter (US & Canada Only).

Question for readers: What 5 books would you bring to a deserted island?

To enter just fill out the rafflecopter below and answer Vicky's question.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you Vicky for being a part of the Deserted Island feature.


  1. Hi Chrystal,

    It's Vicky. Were you unable to post the code to get the YouTube video of Gilligan's Island on there? I just thought it was so funny. Here's the code again if you want to see if it will work. If not, maybe you can just post the link for readers.

    1. I can't embed it. It is banned from being embedded for some reason, but I have a link up to the video if people click it. :)

    2. Chrystal - thanks. I have trouble w/some YouTube videos on my blog. It's frustrating. Thanks for including the link!


  2. Wow, limiting my choices to 5 books would be tough! But here goes nothing:
    1. Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer (soooo freakin' hilarious)
    2. Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews
    3. Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
    4. Mr. Impossible by Loretta Chase
    5. Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs

    1. Sounds like I need to read Loretta Chase. :)

  3. It's really really hard to narrow it down to 5 books!!

    1. Skye O'Malley by Bertrice Small
    2. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
    3. Hunt for Atlantis by Andy McDermott
    4. Inca Gold by Clive Cussler
    5. The Duke and I by Julia Quinn

    I could easily list another 2 or 3 dozen books I'd want to have with me as well! LOL

  4. I have to say it would be the Outlander series- Diana Gabaldon, I know it's more than 5 but....
    Also a cabana boy to bring me drinks and rub oil on me.......

  5. Wow, tough question! Only five? I would take:

    The Magic of You ~Johanna Lindsey
    Once an Angel ~Teresa Medeiros
    Pleasure For Pleasure ~Eloisa James
    Border Bride ~Arnette Lamb
    Rainbows and Rapture ~Rebecca Paisley

  6. Well the 5 books I would take would be the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

    1. I hear this is a great series. Must make time to read them... adding to my wishlist. :)

  7. I would bring a mix of keepers and new books.
    Most likely:
    Paradise by Judith McNaught
    Ashes in the Wind by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss
    Dream a Little Dream by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
    Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
    Blue-Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas

  8. Can't I just bring my ereader :)
    I'm not sure what 5 books I'd bring.I don't re-read books.
    So I'll pick 5 books I still need to read.
    Lover Mine and Lover Unleashed by JR Ward
    A Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison
    Taking a Shot-Jaci Burton and
    Darkness Rising by Keri Arthur

  9. My five would mostly be classic Brit lit...I turn to that again and again.

    Emma by Jane Austen
    Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
    The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
    Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
    The Masque of the Black Tulip by Lauren Willig (see, I do read still living authors now! It's a miracle!)

    1. YAY! Lauren Willig! I've read the first in that series and loved it. My BFF has read them all and she also had Lauren guest post on her blog a short while ago...

      Though I think I need to read more classics. :)

    2. Erica- I personally like Penelope's story. However, I have read all of Lauren's books except the just release book. I also love Emma too

  10. Only Five books. Good thing I'm not on a deserted island, however my five picks would be
    1. A Scandalous Pursuit by Ava Stone
    2. Seducing an Angel by Mary Balogh
    3. The Perfect Mistress by Victoria Alexander
    4. A Secret in Her Kiss by Anna Randol
    5. A Garden Folly by Candice Hern

    If I'm stuck with five books they need to be books I would re-read again. Some of them I have.

  11. If I couldn't sneak my iPad on board, I would bring the first five books in the Love at Stake series. I love this series since it has Highlanders, vampires, shifters, and mortals, with action and romance!

    1. Phoenix, I assumed this island had no connectivity, which is why I figured I'd have to resort to a pen and spiral notebooks--one step above a chisel and rock LOL.


  12. What an extremely hard question!!! I guess I'll go with the ones I never get tired of reading:
    1. Brave the Wild Wind by Johanna Lindsey
    2. A Cowboy for Christmas by Anna DeForest
    3. A Scandalous Journey by Susannah Carleton
    4. Lady of the Knight by Jackie Ivie
    5. The Fifth Daughter by Elaine Coffman

  13. let's see...
    1. Veil of Night by Linda Howard
    2. Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie
    3. Too Good to Be True by Kristan Higgins
    4. Enslaved by Virginia Henley
    5. The Pleasure Palace by Evangeline Anderson

  14. Hmmmm
    1. Hunger Games
    2. Anna and French Kiss
    3. Lola and the boy next door
    4. Mother daughtor book club series
    5. The Next Door Biy by Jolene Perry

    1. I loved The Hunger Games. And I have Anna and Lola on my wishlist. :) Great choices!


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