Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Top Ten Books Whose Titles Or Covers Made Me Buy It

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Books Whose Titles Or Covers Made Me Buy It


Looks like I have a thing for blue and red covers. Who knew?


  1. I love the Room cover, too. It's on my TBR shelf but I haven't read it yet.

  2. Love your list especially Sisters Red.

  3. I'm not sure if I would of selected any of the books based on book cover alone however, I might of choice, 'models don't eat chocolate cookies, cause it seem to be a fun read.

  4. some of these books I haven't gotten yet, but I love them cause of their covers.. Room I got as a gift, but I always loved the cover.

  5. I didn't even think about Lost Voices or Wintergirls but they are really good choices! I think lots of people have had Wither on their list.

    My Top Ten

  6. All gorgeous covers :) But you've always had a thing for the colour blue... lol

  7. Great covers! Wither for sure.. and Drink Slay Love is definitely eye catching :)

    BTW, love your blog header!

    Top 10 Tues | 2 Giveaways

  8. The only one that's a no for me is Room! The rest are YES!!

  9. Maybe Blue definitely catches your eye first.


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