Sunday, October 23, 2011

Review: Legacies of Talimura: War of the Witch by Angel Haze

Publisher: self published
Published: June 30, 2011
Pages: 286
Received: from author for honest review
BUY NOW: Amazon | Smashwords

Debonair, a witch from the Unspoken Lands, has meddled in the forbidden practice of magic and created an army of nightmarish proportions. When sixteen-year-old Astanyx and his two best friends return from a hunting trip to find their small town of Polca reduced to smoke and ash, they find themselves thrust into a battle for which they haven't been trained.

With the help of his comrades, including an esteemed warrior, one of the last great wizards and a princess they've sworn to protect, Astanyx must fight to unite the kingdoms of the humans, dwarves and elves. He must ask forbidden questions that no one wants to answer, questions about Talimura's dark history. As Debonair's brutal warriors lay siege to the kingdoms, Astanyx is driven to pursue a fateful quest for a blade powerful enough to defeat the malevolent witch before she destroys the three kingdoms and unleashes an unspeakable ancient evil.

What a great tale! From the hero, Astanyx, who doesn't really think he's a hero, to Debonair, the witch with an attitude, this story is full of emotion, action and adventure! It did take me a little to get into the storyline and for it to grab a hold of me, but once I was sucked into the story there was no turning back. 

I loved the fact that the story was a good mixture about the pending war, learning about the characters back stories and the relationships that built from the tragedy they have all faced. Sometimes a story will stick to more of the action in a book or the emotional story of the characters, but Angel Haze did a great job of melding the different facets into a well told story.

My favourite characters were Astanyx, Locke and Crypt. Astanyx is the unknown hero - they guy who just does the right thing, the guy with strong morals who ends up being the hero everyone has been waiting for. Locke and Crypt are a hilarious duo who bring comic relief to some otherwise serious situations.

Debonair reminds me of a bland of Maleficent (from Sleeping Beauty fame) and Bellatrix Lestrange (from Harry Potter fame). Debonair is a perfect example of a witch being cocky about her magical abilities, yet being slightly delusional on how things will all turn out in the end.

All in all, this is an enjoyable read for those interested in fantasy or adventure. And I hope to revisit these characters again - so I'm hoping for a second book! 


Angel Haze has graciously offered up one ebook copy of Legacies of Talimura: War of the Witch to one lucky winner. Open internationally! Just leave a comment below telling us who your favourite witch is (could be from a book, movie or TV show). Don't forget to leave your email address (like this snowdropdreams(AT)gmail(DOT)com), so we can contact the winner! Contest ends October 31st - midnight EST.


  1. Sounds like a good read! And I'm always up for a good high fantasy book.

    Fav witch? I'll have to divide this between TV and Books. For TV, it's got to be Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer--anyone who can eviscerated someone with just a pencil and yet knows the Snoopy dance is a kickass witch.

    And as for books, I'll always be a fan of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Morgaine.

    Thanks for the giveaway op!


  2. Glad you enjoyed this one! It sounds pretty interesting. =)

    Hmmmm my favourite witch would probably be Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. Love her!

    Thanks for the giveaway -- asherz86 at gmail dot com

  3. My favorite witch(es) would be the Halliwell sisters from Charmed. I loved that TV show!! I was really disappointed when they cancelled it!


  4. Camile from the Other World Series by Yasmine Galenorn


  5. My favourite witch is Samantha Stephens on "Bewitched" and wishing that I could be her. Oh, to be able to twitch my nose and have things happen for me.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    artgiote at gmail dot com


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